
A song for the people who always fall for the people they canโ€™t have.


Still my favourite song. It is so annoying how this only has 2 million views... Seriously?


Funny how this song can be sad for people falling for the wrong people, and happy for the people who are in happy relationships! 
Love to those two types of people


This can be played at my non existent wedding ....๐Ÿ˜


2 years and I still love this songโค


this is beautiful, without a doubt Zayn has one of the best voices in the industry, I love him


Dear stranger whoever reads this, youโ€™re such a beautiful human being.


2019 and still criminally underrated


0:42 ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ how can someone say "I" so beautifully


we're literally all fools for zayn tho


If this song doesnยดt show off Zayn's vocals strenghts, I don't which does.


Came back, love you Zayn, love 1D and all the boys. Rest in peace Liam ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”.


Zayn-I'm a fool for you
Harry-I'm a fool for you
Just a little bit of your heart


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I'm so glad I had superior taste in music since I was a kid. Ten years later this album still hits.


Hands down favorite song from the whole album


Love this song...so beautiful and emotional. Zayn, is so talented. The fact that he hasn't gotten a Grammy means the music industry is asleep


this is so underrated. i can't believe your voice even exists :ยด) it sounds like an angel.  it's my 8379 time here <3


Zayn needs way more appreciation than he gets. This song is so beautiful and soulful, his voice is amazing!!! I don't understand why his music isn't more popular. A lot of the hate he gets is for his past relationship problems and him leaving 1d. What people need to realize is although you love something and look up to a boy and as successful as 1d, the entertainment industry comes with a lot of struggles especially being young. Child star says who sign contracts only see their dreams they don't see what comes with it. Mistreatment and not ever really having time to yourself. Always giving a piece of you to other people. This becomes draining and for some it's harder than it would be for others. Zayn is amazingly talented and mature now, he's not always gonna be the little boy we grew up with because he's an adult we have to learn to accept him for who he is now, and appreciate his talent.


Someone else listens to this quarantine ear paradise? : ')