
“I’m shocked your gay and a cake decorator that’s so…”
I can’t 😂😂😂😂


I love when she does that accent 😂😂😂




That’s a look of “met on grindr and started hooking up first” those two gave each other! 🤣😂


I work in a bakery and this is extremely accurate to how customers react 😭😭😭😂😂😂


Not the Dora sheet cake. 🤣💀 That takes me back to my childhood when my parents would let me choose what characters I wanted on my cake. My birthday is in the ass crack of the year between Christmas and New Years, so having character themes was one of the highlights of the day for me since it was harder to get friends to show up. 😅


I love when she does that accent 😅😅 brilliant


She asked "How long?" and he looked to the other guy like he was about to ask "Who are you?"


I am so miserable and comedy like this is the only thing that makes me a little bit happy. I am now close to so many stupid people that are obssesed with stupid stuff, that I am literally surviving every day, waiting for the day I can leave and have a space to be alone. Thank you for being free from all the societal bullshit.


Brilliant beyond words


😂😂 I love her so much


The way her face changes when the audience serves up comedy fuel on a silver platter 😈


Omg! I love her so much!!!❤❤❤😊


I needed to see more of this!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


she kinda looked and sounded like robert de niro when she said "dore doesnt look like dora" LOL


It's so funny how they slowly looked at eachother 😭


Dora doesn’t look like Dora 😂😂😂😂😂😂lol I can’t with her voice impression lol


She's the absolute Best💙💙💙


I feel called out everytime Jessica gets on my fyp.


Lol the dora explorer cake 😂