Easily one of the best foundation creators out there rn
Oh the pain of removing the stone we then needed, d’oh!
I feel like you could put a church or even a small monastery within or close to the castle, it's got tons of in real life precedents. Forgive me if you've already mentioned it though!
Looks great so far. Personally, I would add some more doors to the "wall" pieces. The whole section around the new gate has no access at the moment. Really looking forward to the next episode.
Castle looking great so far. I'm tempted to try building my castle on one of the quarry rock clusters.
Yayyy more Foundation ❤
“It’s not that kind of castle” cracked me up
what about putting the wooden fence around the base of the castle rock? first check point being down near the hops rather than right near the stone gate?
I really like that you lean into it not being a grid game. I see so many players sneak in the grid anyway, especially by making square 1 house residential area's. Their choice ofcourse, but still... I was very happy you tied that little fence to the wall. That gap was not good for my wellbeing. ;)
Sometimes when you are building or modifying monument and a decorative piece doesn't seem to want to go anywhere, it might be caused by not having the snapping on. I noticed it today when upgrading my tavern.
Also I not sure if you noticed. But many castle buildings have options to change the top of towers and wall parts etc. Nvm I spoke to soon. It took me a while to notice it myself tho XD I thought at first it was just some movement.
I have 1 island not that big on challenge mode. And it can sustain at 3x speed so far... Timer is at 400+ months XD It is a real challenge to not have alot space. Do 3x speed. And challenge mode. Got 200 population and I think i not even able to sustain much more with not expending farms outside of the island. 1x speed is so much easier on some resources. Especially in challenge
How on earth do you have soooo much cheese?! 😂 I don’t think I’ve ever had more than about 40 cheese even with two cheese makers, masses of milk AND buying it in. I am clearly a cheese noob! 🧀
24 fps in Full frame mode...the longer you stay in game fps drops