Yet again personified internet user who identifies under the name shalz( pronounced shals) for create this informative tutorial about a important set of items in the Minecraft modification Create. This is further progressing others past the water wheel, the first level of automatic rotation generation, into a intermediate level before the late game as to not confuse new viewers. Please continue to create these informative short videos demonstrating basic fundamentals and items of the Minecraft modification Create.
A windmill bearing is SO MUCH BETTER than a steam engine since it doesn't require any fuel to operate, the blocks needed are easy to come by since wool is so easy to come by, and it looks cool.
Ok I have to say that the windmeal baring is not a late early game item that’s the first thing I make in create cause of the stress patch update
This series aged well
Honestly these things are useful for steam engines from my playing around
The biggest Con to the Pros of the steam engine is that it needs water pumped in which requires another source - I find that the windmill bearing is best used for most basic-advanced contraptions especially when paired with the speed controller :D
IM FINALLY GOING TO HAVE CREATE! im going to watch you EVERY DAY the videos are fun and cool and inspiring! And helpfull ofcourse ❤
You can also hide Windmills inside a 1x1 hole that is 128 blocks deep, not the best, but its more easily hidden than a Steam Engine (although with the propper knowledge and skill, you can make it look good)
Windmill bearings are quite useful for klotonium reaktors
In my current factory I use windmill power with more then enough stress capacity. I'm working on making crushing wheels btw
Interesting, man you are good with mods btw :)
You should make a video on how to do the driving
Also you can change rotation direction with a wrenche. I'm trying to find 1 thing you haven't saied in each of your tutorial videos so let's go !
I never understood why people make their builds have different systems, like… just rush towards making a building with about 20 good steam engines and connect everything to it
Make a train That’s a moving upside downWith that video when you showed us that a lot of rail and you can put it on the front side
I like the loop it has
Thank you for this tutorial, when i made my first create server i made a big mistake i put half the sails on the opposite side and it wasn't able to power my mixer. How do i know? I watched a video not at all connected to sails and windmills
Nah we built a whole powerplant with it
But did you know that the wind mill works underground (without wind).