
Curiosity Squad! Join the discord server to chat with me and others who watch this channel! https://discord.gg/NBbnNgx


Such an underrated channel with high quality videos


This dude is literally the best... he deserves more subscribers


Love this, dude! Whatever you added in last minute worked really well - the best sign of that is that it wasn’t noticeable what was added in, which means it was a perfect addition to the video!

Also, dammmmmn this video fits SO perfectly with ideas in my next video. Same wave length man πŸ§ πŸ˜‚


I love this concept!! I think it’s time I go on a run... πŸ€”


Love the new name for your channel! 😊  And as usual great concept!


Another gr8 video. Love it


Aww man. I hear you on this one. I love running. I don't think I need too much  motivation. Just the adrenaline and the way it makes me feel is motivation enough. Unfortunately, lately I have arthritis in my left foot, so while Im running I feel great, but when I'm finished😣. I'm having to resort to the treadmill lately, which is just not the same as running outdoors. Have fun.
BTW, like the new name of your channel.


Love your vids!




Well, running in January is still better than swimming in January πŸ˜…


Your channel is amazing!


Mmmmm them special effects πŸ‘Œ Love that you're topping your content with each video πŸ‘


I resumed to my fitness training and got a great inspiration 🀟🏻 what a start of 2019 πŸ˜„


What a creative Idea !


I also think it's all about being motivated along with making it fun into sticking with the new years resolution. 
I'm more of a power walker than a runner lol


Love that new channel name!


This was awesome brotherhood! Very well said and laid out

Winny out... for now πŸ˜‰


Omg i really love this dude😘😘😘😘😘😘❀❀❀❀


If anybody has a popular channel, please give him a shoutout!