This is about as surprising as seeing the sun rise in the morning. He oozes slime.
Maybe people can start looking into Vertucci's Real Estate Academy scam as well....
Oh shit. Nick got the boot? Well, please bring Lauren back then @HCL
Time to fill Joey Ingram full of drugs and fire up the 48 hour livestream.
The dude that looks like a grease ball is actually a grease ball?
And I still believe Robbie cheated. Regarding HCL hiring an outside firm to investigate, it was limited as that firm had no access to Robbie’s phone or phone records to tie in her collusion with the guy in the back room who had access to the hands being played at real time. Same guy who took chips only from Robbie’s stack when he could’ve done so off anyone’s else’s stack.
It is hard for me to fathom that those working with Vertucci did not know about these incidents; even casual viewers picked up on him being a total creep.
HCL falling apart at the seams. Vertucci wasn't really liked by the majority anyways. Those massages were creep af and took away from the poker action.
I never liked Nick Vertucci
Gambling companies don't care about you - there's some solid information on the internet about this and a way to go around it, but I still prefer to read the book gambler manifesto
Maybe we will finally figure out what happened with J4
Pencil Dick Nick always seemed like a creep to me.
Bro we all witnessed Tucci harass Poker Bunny. He would say cringe things to that girl often, To the point where i got angry for her.
Ryan Feldman isn't unaware and innocent..... Else why was Lauren fired from HCL Why did they not believe her Instead they backed Vertucci Feldman doesn't also come across as a good guy Perhaps that's just the stink of Nick on him and he's actually decent Time will tell
Wait they fired Lauren? She was the best dealer they had. Always professional and on point.
Not a surprise. Guy always creeped me out the way he gets those weird massages.
Nick is sick... he was harassing a player the other night and the chat was full of comments for how disgusting he was acting. The mods and announcers should be held accountable for letting it go on so long.
I really only care about Lauren losing her job. That's f'd up. Hustler needs to bring her back. If not, she should sue! What was that spat about with Sashimi in the beginning?