He supported Travis in Bristol and i've been obsessed ever since. Saw him at the globe in Cardiff soon after and he has me well and truly hooked. What a performer
Hamish is a wonderful person with a fantastic band. He needs to be a star. Saw him in Cologne supporting Travis. Brillant performance.
Such a nice guy.
What a guy, amazing voice, great band and an amazing talent.
I went to the Hydro to watch Travis… in hindsight, I’m very pleased to say that I went to the Hydro to watch Hamish Hawk and Travis! A unique sound. And an old fashioned style entertainer on stage. Don’t ever stop doing that. I mean it as a compliment
Having had my own radio show, 'Loxley's Corner" for nine years, playing original music covering the entire playlist with live performances, I was introduced to this band last year.. I was fortunate to then see them play Southend. Instant brilliant, songwriting bounced off the walls. Charismatic attitude, almost mesmerising.. My eyes have been opened to playing original music for many years, but on this occasion, I have to say this is so deserving and I pray the rest of the world have the chance to hear this wonderful music...