
I didn't even know Stanleys existed until they became popular


Tbh I had my Stanley before it became popular and to be honest I like it because during the summer in AZ it’s so hot and it keeps my ice water cold and doesn’t melt, also I needed to stay more hydrated and it motivates me to drink for water cause it fits into my cup holders and I can hold onto it, also just cause its nicer thank my other water bottles that are tiny compared to 40oz


I love my Stanley I have about a total of 30 with a combination of 30 ounces 40 ounces and 24 ounce Tumblr. I work in healthcare as a nurse in long-term and rehab and I get really busy throughout the day eight hours go by like really fast and I barely get enough time to drink water so the Stanley cup is my lifesaver. I took everywhere I go I honestly think it’s the best thing everybody should have even if you don’t work in healthcare the water stays cold or hot. My water taste delicious. It doesn’t have like a yucky metal taste And it’s cute. I have all the colors you could think of. I have a limited collection and I have the leak proof insulated straws. The ones that just came out last month. I bought all seven colors. ❤


I bought 40 oz for $5 back in 2010. When I saw these going for $60 even $100 by scalpers, It was a WTF moment. Remember when yetis were a thing…


A got mine as a prank because last year, every girl in our school had one. So at one point all the boys decided to also get them and carry them around for like almost half of the whole year.


i still have one of the older stanleys that i got given to me years ago. i love it. the new ones dont hold ice like the old ones do. pretty sure mine was mainly advertised to keep warm drinks warm and the cold drinks was just a bonus.


When the girlies are done with it the next cup will be yetti


Congrats bro!!!


the bid tumblers with the handle to the side leak, so im gonna buy one of the flip straw ones


Cause im an idiot and i thought it was funny🤣🤣🤣


I got my stanley for ninety nine dollars Yeah it was expensive But I love my cup I just feel like I wasn't fitting in And I know it's really stupid and it sounds stupid But I just love my stanley


Cuz it looks cool


wtf..when did these become "a thing"? and triple in price?


I have one. It leaks. I hate it so much. I use my Yeti’s every single day. No leaks AND CHEAPER. EASIER TO GET. Fits in my cars cup holder. Win win. 
Stanley is sitting unused and catching dust.


To be honest with you I hated on the. Cup as soon as it came out and I bought a fake one loved it and carried it around until it started to rust and I was like oh well may as well ask for a real one on Christmas I didn’t want to spend 40 dollars on it and my family got. Me one for sports and I am low key loving it now especially because there not as popular as the used to be they still are but a bit less.


I’m here because I’m tryna figure out why the fuck I’m drinking so much more water and why it taste so good out of it?????


I bought it because it was popular I told my brother to buy me one and I have a blue one


oh you mean the white girl cup


It's too heavy


I got my stanley for ninety nine dollars Yeah it was expensive But I love my cup I just feel like I wasn't fitting in And I know it's really stupid and it sounds stupid But I just love my stanley