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Bravo colleagues :yougotthis::washhands:


Thanks for your sharing. Really nice product and production process


6:20 why weren't these parts deburred and cleaned ahead of time. Why is assembly being done on the ground? and the cleaning done with a dirty rag?
7:40 they are using nordlock washers, there's no need for loctite. Also you can see the loctite leaking under the washer, this will flake off and into the hydraulic oil circuit.
9:31 cross threaded bolt


영상잘보고 갑니다 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Its amazing to watch this process very neat and clean environment


Great work


작아보이지만 많은 공정과 복잡한 지그들 제이케이는 기술력이 하루아침에 올라온게 아니네요 대한하고요.Very interesting video Its so good


شكراً على الجهود وعلى المحتوى الرائع




Najfajniejsze jest układanie nakrętek i błyszczący lakier !


Produk yang bagus, untuk aktifitas pekerjaan beeat... Salam kenal 🤝🤝🤝kawan...




This is incredible engineering.


Its so good 😊


참 인간의 머리가 좋단 말이지😊


Круто, мне очень понравилось тема экскаваторов)




There listening to Whitney Houston. You can hear her voice in the background. All the way to Korea.


Very interesting video, but surprised by the rusty pin and lack of grease during assembly.