
7:34 sooooooo, Glock actually has many direct milled slides. They’re all agency order only though. My last agency we had “MOS5” G45s. That’s the RMR direct MOS model.


Bro missed the opportunity to say to continue our journey "glockwise"


Glock and ball (ammo) torture


9:35 based USPS small flat rate box enjoyer


The glock killer is going to be glock not doing what people actually want


A box too small to sleep in is still capable of emotional support.


Obligatory Socko at 9:35


Watching this video again after the debut of Ruger & Magpul's RXM and Hop is damn near prophetic with his thesis.


If the stupidest thing that your cat has ever done is try to fit in a too small box, you have an extraordinarily smart cat.


2:08 those cuffs are good if you dont want ticks crawling up your legs


The most compelling glock clone is the CZ-P10. Similar form factor, similar operating mechanism & disassembley, similar reliability, slightly less expensive.


I didn’t realize I had already been moving on from Glock to Glock clones before I watched this video. Like I haven’t thought about buying an actual Glock in a while, but rather clones. Markets change and companies have to adapt or die.


Overjoyed that the APX was mentioned.  It's such an underrated gun.
Surprised the the AREX delta line was left out though.


Thanks for showing the Dagger some love. 💪


Nailed it on the shadow systems MR920. There’s a lot of variance in trigger quality


Don’t forget about the ultimate Glock killer…. The Glong…


7:57 - It's funny you brought that up, my local police supply store recently got in a bunch of unissued G45s that were cut for RMRs by Glock. Maybe it was a one-off RFP from a local department? Looks like they're still running around with factory bucket sights though, I may swing by this weekend to look at/buy one.


One day there will be a pistol operating mechanism that will compete against the Glock and win. Until then, everything is either a Glock clone or something built in the shadow of Glock itself. Maybe the rotating barrel operated pistols will make a comeback. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Socko searching for non-Euclidean geometry in that box and half-falling asleep was cute. XD


This is really a cat video interrupted by gun content


The problems with every Glock clone are the exact same things:

1. They’re ugly

2. They’re over-tacticooled out

3. They’re all named something extremely cringe like ALPHA WOLF DARKNESS BIG KNIFE 9000 (or something like that)