
Thank you Ms Silvia for your superb and straight to the point summary of IFRSs, you really helped me especially as I prepare to take my ACCA SBR exam


Very well explained


Thanks Silvia, this is helpful for my upcoming SBR exam (strange that they assess this!). I love your voice, you should narrate audio books! 😂


Hi Silvia thank you so much for the brilliant content, we in South Africa highly appreciate you, May I please request a video about SUBSTANCE OVER FORM? 



Why should a change in Fair Value of Biological asset be recorded as either income or expense in the SOCI, when it actually doesn't involve or result in real money movement?


Mam your all videos are extremely good.


if bearer plants are considered as IAS 16, are bearer animals who produce agricultural produce (cows,goats etc) treated as IAS 16


I thought that cattle comes under IAS 16 as its like an asset (bearer animal) and only milk is the agricultural produce (IAS 41) but in the textbook it says cattle comes under the scope of IAS 41. Please explain


thank you this helped alot for my essay


hello, what if the biological asset is a fish breeder and the new borns from it are being biologically transformed for 3 months before its harvested and sold to the wet market. should i account the newborns as inventory on date born? or as biological asset?


You made my account easy at university❤️


What is subsequent measurement of agricultural produce after the harvest? Is it measured at fair value less cost to sell at every year end ?


Thank you so much for this presentation.
Please what happens to eggs that hatches to chicks?
If egg is agricultural produce but it has now transformed to chick. How do we recognise this?


mam very understandable ..god bless you


Will the produce include eggs in the case of poultry farming? In pratical terms how do you recognise the accounting entries for eggs produced?


Is initial gain in biological assets realized or unrealized?


Thanks for the video.


would you  give me ppt?