
Plot twist:
Boggo killed the other survivors because she didn't want to interact with them


Are we not gonna talk about how strong Boe is for carrying all those dishes


“I brought you work emails” Probably the most nightmarish thing Boggo has heard since crashing 💀


My family draging me out of my room after i was in there for 0.0001 seconds be like


Imagine being stranded on an island for months and the first thing your friend does is give you dirty dishes to clean 💀


"Boggo just need to be saved from her family and co-workers"


If Cast Away was about him not wanting to leave…..


I have boe’s interests and boggo’s capacity for socal interaction.


I relate to this on a spiritual level 💀


The plates: were gonna fall like excuse me?
Boe: no


An introvert's worst nightmare


When he said plane crash survivors, i heard minecraft survivors 💀


honestly boggo just needed some space


Boggo is basically my mom not wanting to clean the mess that my dad made at home after returning from vacation 💀


Boggle just needs relaxing day😢


I feel like boggo’s family and friends are either oblivious to her introverted ways, unsympathetic due to not understanding, or just really enjoy torturing her lmao I’m introverted as well, and I relate too much to this. I’d be trying to run as well. I’m mostly just in my room without any lights on, just smoking and drinking and enjoying all the time I can possibly get to myself lmaooo


When you want to enjoy peace, but your the main character. 😂


Anyone here Hears “We Finally Found the Pane Cash Survivor”? Or just me?


Plot Twist: She knocked out the pilot and stole the plane and crash it on an island and kill everyone but her to have peace and quiet.


That is me on a daily basis 🤣