
:_Hazard: This free video took 2 MONTHS to make! If you’d like to support Paul’s efforts, links below: 
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In 1966 while pursuing a BSA Radio Merit Badge at age 10, I was instructed by a HAM operator working with the Navy Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) becoming proficient at sending and receiving  Morse Code beyond 30 WPM. All that to say: I had to learn all the Electrical Formulas by rote. Any young person today interested in Electrical Engineering will be well served by your excellent presentation. Thank you for not “dumbing down” the subject in any way.


I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on electricity the last few weeks and this video is one of the clearest explanations on the whole of the internet. Thank you!!


I cant belive we receiveing high quality well done education for free 
Thank you


i'm 100% with your thoughts, sevensexton (below)!! i'm 68 YO, trained in electronics 6 years,RAAF, electrical contracting 45 years. Knocked heads with two eelectrical uni professors and many electrical engineers, none of which wanted to or could explain this electron drift concept, clearly.I feel that I have only 10 years of brains left to clear my thoughts on this subject. 
The complex interaction of magnetic fields inside a switchboard when high currents are flowing and cables are tightly bundled,  is mind blowing.  
 Insulating voltage is a whole different ball game to insulating magnetic flux, which is the science of electromagnetic propergation through the ether, where the energy literally leaves the wire. I hope your head hurts as much as mine. 
 My wife and I made two electrical engineers and one RNurse. That took 30 years, but I thank you, with all sincerity for your 2 months on this video.

Very well done!


I can't see electricity but I can see this is a great video!


All I can say is Thank you! I've been studying electronics for years with varying levels of intensity and practice. This video made its way into my head in a way that nothing else has. You titled it ' for visual learners' . I'm going to explore how that method might help me more. I've been a technician and could spout out whatever was required to accomplish the job but I've always felt  that I never fully ' got it' in terms of knowing these things "in my cells" like I comprehend subjects like music. This may sound odd but this video has released a kind of intellectual stress I've had on this subject. Keep doing this wonderful thing here!


Millikan’s experiment makes no sense the more you think about it. The man looked at microscopic oil droplets, somehow figured out their mass without modern instruments, then balanced them in mid-air with an electric field—like some kind of 1909 Jedi. He kept tweaking the voltage until they just… hovered. And from that, he deduced the charge of a single electron? With math and patience? No AI, no laser precision tools, no quantum sensors—just raw brainpower. I struggle to measure flour correctly when baking, and this guy reverse-engineered the universe’s fundamental charge with oil mist and a voltmeter. Unreal.


This was a great deep dive on how electricity "flows."  It not only corrects the conventional laymen's wisdom we learn in grade school (and even during some undergrad courses) but it makes something that sounds so unintuitive when you first hear the concept much easier (it's still not a walk in the park 😂) to wrap your head around!  The animation and the script to make this video must have been a ton of work and research so I very much appreciate the effort; thank you.


Great Video, I really like the fact that you highlighted that energy comes from the Field & not the Electrons flowing through the Circuit.


Nice to see a video that highlights the role of surface charge in circuit theory. For too many years it has been neglected in basic courses, to the point that ignorance of its role is a major cause of misunderstanding electrical phenomena.

I envy your ability to synthesize concepts in so short a video. It's taking me multiple half an hour videos just to introduce the concepts of voltage and potential difference.


Where was this video when I studied electrical engineering. This is a superb video for people like me who struggled to understand the dynamics of electricity.


this is the most deep dive of electron(ic) concepts explained  in the model that electrons are visualized as individual objects. the new perspective helps me quite a lot


It doesn't get better than this tbh. A must watch video for people who are interested in electricity.


The best 20 minutes in my recent times. So interesting and so well made.


I feel like I'm a pretty handy guy around the house.  Except when I work with electricity.  I get shocked every time.   I am most definitely a visual learner.  This video is the best I've seen.


Quite possibly the best electricity video ive ever watched


As a newly licensed engineer trying to better myself in the field I just wanted to say thank you for all the great content! I am constantly watching your videos at work and taking notes to try to teach myself a little more each week. Appreciate all the great content!


Hands down the best explanation of how actually electricity works that I come across in the internet, thanks so much