
after receiving mine I had noticed the magpul mags were being clearanced on the over insertion stop, I went to the mags that came with the firearm and they were already clearanced (every plati does this). I spoke with one of the stealth arms engineers and he reassured me they are working on doing something with the ledge inside the frame to prevent this issue in the future. However I believe it is a mag issue, i picked up some cheap KSI mags for 8$ and the ledge/stop clearanced perfectly out of the box but the mag release on the mag itself was cut too low and had to be clearanced, and my guide rod unscrewed couple times even after cranking down on it with an allen, went with a one piece to remedy. They will be hopefully coming out with a solution for the guide rod along with a bull barrel maybe and the awaited RMR cut.


For anyone wondering; I only shoot sig 320’s, 365’s and tp9’s… for from that perspective, this is my fastest gun by far. Shoots way flatter than the above mentioned and is just a joy to shoot. I actually am selling a few guns because I actually am not shooting any of other guns at this point.


Ok so I’ve had mine for a little over two months.Have about 750 rds through it. It’s been flawless and shoots great. I’ve also been carrying it daily. I have the commander length so the dark star is a little long but can be cut down. It carries about the same as my Shadow systems xr920.  I have 4 magazines with strike industries base plate extensions and they work fine no issues. I do have a lot more wear on the front edge of my slide than you.  But other than that it’s really performed above all my expectations and I am happy about the purchase. Thanks for the videos and help with holster selection! Oh and the Holosun 407k with 6moa fits flush with the slide on the sides like it was made for it


The Glock crowd finally getting that 1911 trigger they are always seeking. It’s not for me, but it’s something that has I’m happy to see. The oracle 2322 really has my interest though since I still have P320 mags sitting around doing nothing since I largely got rid of my glocks.


Dude, just got mine delivered Friday. Ordered April 14th, in hand July 14th. Pics on my community tab if anyone wants to see my design. Should be getting to my range this evening and testing it out. I did get the Double Alpha Max holster. I made the adjustments on it and it seems to be working just perfectly! Will of course be testing that first this evening. I'll have my own little videos out later this week after I get time to edit. I've got a few things I want to try with it and hopefully I can help answer any questions other people may have as well! It seems really well put together, but this is my first 1911 type pistol, so I don't have anything to personally compare it to. 
I'm very excited to try it out, that is for sure!! Trying to get all my errands run as fast as I can today so I can get to my range early!! Fun on my Freedom Farm 🤣
Thanks again for all the great videos and info you share, David! It's much appreciated by myself and many others! Have a great rest of you weekend!!!


My favorite dad joke:

Are my dreams in color, or is that just a pigment of my imagination?


I ordered mine right after your original video.  Mine took right around 11 weeks (time was at 11-13 weeks when I put my order in).   I was blown away at the fit and finish.  I finally got to shoot it this weekend.  It actually surprised me by being a bit jumpier than I expected.  Compared to my tisas stingray, which seems to have zero recoil, I had to come to grips (lol) with the gun.  It didn't take long.  The trigger feels lighter than 4 lbs (what I specced) and I'm not upset at all about that.  It literally shoots when you think it.  It is very accurate.  Took me a mag to get adjusted.  I love it to death.  Will I carry it? Probably not.  But I will shoot it every time I go to the range.  My PDP is my main carry... Fantastic gun in it's own right.


I've had some horrible experiences with Cerakote on aluminum frames.  Finally found a local body shop who's owner is a gun guy, very nice work!


Had my platypus for a couple months now. First time shooting it ran 300 rounds through it flawlessly. Was shooting a steel plate at 100 yards with iron sights and was pretty accurate. Mine has a frost white slide and frame with purple and gold accents and made for a little more detailed cleaning but the finish is holding up and it's easy to see if it's dirty or not.


Glad you did a follow up.  A bunch of YouTubers jump on the release date/hype train and then you don’t hear anything else.


Interesting review. Considered picking one up for alittle bit but decided against it to pursue a few other things for the channel. Glad you like it though partner!


I ordered mine on October 17 it had a 14-16 week lead time. Received it on December 27th and have put 200 rounds through it in the last 2 days. Like you said the fit and finish are nice, I do wish they had chamfered the edge of the slide lock/release as it's a little sharp. I already had a Safariland 6378-56 holster (built for the Springfield Operator) to use. It took a little heat to remold and widen the area just behind the firing control and I removed the upper section of material near the ALS release. Works like a charm!


I built my edc 1911 gov on a stealth arms railed 80% frame. I run +p ammo I’ve loaded myself and have not had an issue with the frame, it has been solid. I have put a ton of rounds through it and it has held up.


Just their website alone is an amazing experience.


I got to handle one of these last week. The fit and finish was really nice and the trigger about 2.5 pounds. Seemed really really nice


good to hear the good news about enjoyment factor.  i'm waiting on the steel frame and DLC options for coating both frame and slide.- with those, 16 weeks would be acceptable.


Thanks so much for the comprehensive review. Just purchased one a couple of days ago, picked up an in stock commander length model. Super impressed by all of the reviews I have seen, yours are by far the most technically competent and thorough and appeal to my engineering mind.


I looked it up, and there is a Perry themed version, and I am all in now!


What I find interesting is the quality to price to options ratio. I'm  NOT a 2011 or even a 1911 afficianato, but I watch a lot of YouTube. LoL. I recently watched the 1911 syndicate's 2011 buyers guide sort of video and basically they said a custom gun with billet parts is going to cost $5000 or more. Then I see this and I have to say...Hmmm 🤔. I have absolutely no desire to pay $5000 for a gun, but $1700 for a gun that's semi custom built and feeds from Glock mags (of which I have a crap ton), is making me really think about exploring the world of 2011s. I don't even have to spray paint it, what deal!


So excited to get mine in. It’s at the paint stage in the tracker now. Great to see this update video!