
When I was in grade school I used to cross through the yard in front of his house from 2nd ave to river street to go to school. I lived a block away. He had some way cool cars back there but my favorite was an old C Cab dump truck. I asked him once if those old cars ran at that time he told me  everything out here runs. He was a genius with engines and mechanics. Actually got to see the C Cab in the 4th of july parade a few years later. He had a shed full of restored john deere tractors at one point, and was a collector of Indian motorcycles Frank from American pickers bought one from him the end of the episode was cool He jumped on a bike and rode it down the driveway and headed down river street he was close to 90 at that point. My Dad used to have coffee with him at McDs sometimes. RIP Doug


Love watching.


Hello from Pa.i enjoyed seeing the cars in  this video at this auction. Thanks for showing us these items.Ron


What a collection! Lifetime of accumulating! Thanks for sharing with us.


Interesting sale, I've known Doug most of my life, and collected for years and never wanted to sell a thing, until Mike came a knocking lol just lived 4 blocks away from him. Always loved to hear his stories about car collecting. Thank you for making this video. !


I was adopted along with my twin sister, and I used to go to auctions with my dad, learned a lot from him. Miss the guy.


That Diamond T is a sharp truck.


Great episode.


So many great vehicles , love the IH trucks!




It's been awhile since I was 50. Hope you had a Happy Birthday!  And thanks for sharing this video always nice to see that there's still old cars around to be found ? 45:33


Great walk about. Love those 1st gen cummins.Great Video as per usual.I love your Auction & Swap meet coverage. Good Job!


Wow! Lots of good stuff right there. Such a shame so much has wasted away.
Happy 50th Birthday! Enjoy.


Good job! I'm glad to see that stuff is still around. Hope U had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY !  Thanks for the video.


I really enjoyed all your videos.   Thanks so much for sharing!  I know it must have been really cold.


Great video, thanks for info on vehicles and what it sold for!!!👍


Great video😮
Some great old items as it should be moved on enjoyed😊
Thank you😮


quite the collection..happy bday btw..lots of dreams waiting for those who purchased those old trucks..one thing i find interesting is the person collecting these vehicles.. he didn't discriminate..he grabbed a little bit of everything


anoyher great video, stay warm.


Happy birthday and thanks for the walkthrough. I wish I could get to some of these auctions. Thanks for sharing. I like the IH hub caps you got. Those are for a 1/2 ton, if you come across a 3/4 ton set I would be interested!