Love watching.
Hello from Pa.i enjoyed seeing the cars in this video at this auction. Thanks for showing us these items.Ron
What a collection! Lifetime of accumulating! Thanks for sharing with us.
Interesting sale, I've known Doug most of my life, and collected for years and never wanted to sell a thing, until Mike came a knocking lol just lived 4 blocks away from him. Always loved to hear his stories about car collecting. Thank you for making this video. !
I was adopted along with my twin sister, and I used to go to auctions with my dad, learned a lot from him. Miss the guy.
That Diamond T is a sharp truck.
Great episode.
So many great vehicles , love the IH trucks!
It's been awhile since I was 50. Hope you had a Happy Birthday! And thanks for sharing this video always nice to see that there's still old cars around to be found ? 45:33
Great walk about. Love those 1st gen cummins.Great Video as per usual.I love your Auction & Swap meet coverage. Good Job!
Wow! Lots of good stuff right there. Such a shame so much has wasted away. Happy 50th Birthday! Enjoy.
Good job! I'm glad to see that stuff is still around. Hope U had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Thanks for the video.
I really enjoyed all your videos. Thanks so much for sharing! I know it must have been really cold.
Great video, thanks for info on vehicles and what it sold for!!!👍
Great video😮 Some great old items as it should be moved on enjoyed😊 Thank you😮
quite the collection..happy bday btw..lots of dreams waiting for those who purchased those old thing i find interesting is the person collecting these vehicles.. he didn't discriminate..he grabbed a little bit of everything
anoyher great video, stay warm.
Happy birthday and thanks for the walkthrough. I wish I could get to some of these auctions. Thanks for sharing. I like the IH hub caps you got. Those are for a 1/2 ton, if you come across a 3/4 ton set I would be interested!