We need a compilation of chefs seeing you walk in and immediately scheduling a sick day tomorrow
I do appreciate that you stacked your plates instead of leaving a mess
“D*mn, that’s a lot of pasta” “I was hungry” Got me😂😂
This guy genuinely just ate what I eat in 10 days in an hour, never change Erik 😂
Bro. You committed a war crime on whatever toilet was used later.
His stomach at the end though 🥵 dam his stomach is going to explode!😂
“Sir you have eaten all of the pasta we can make, please leave the restaurant”
"After that i went to the bathroom, where i clogged up 16 toilets... new record."
“Sure Dad, you can have a small bite.” The small bite:
I loved it when you just said “I was hungry” when explaining why you were eating so much pasta. Plus you ordered another four or five bowls after that. Great job, Erik. Thanks for sharing a picture of your “food baby”!
Bro forgot to struggle 💀
I don’t work in the food industry anymore, but thank you for stacking your plates/bowls 😂😂
Can we all appreciate how this man sacrifices himself just for our entertainment?
Omg 😂🤣 That guy was like, "D*mn, that's alot of pasta bowls!!" 🤣🤣 I love your channel Erik❤ You're amazing!
I’m more impressed that he got 7 bowls at once. I normally can’t even get a refill on breadsticks until I’m halfway done with my entree.
I was hungry watching this and now I'm hungryer lol
Man is the real life Goku
It seemed like u didnt even struggle on this one 😂
bro ate a week of calories in 1 hr wtfff