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If someone in a society earning a 50th percentile wage can't afford to raise a family, that society has failed at a fundamental level.


If everyone needs to become an entrepreneur to earn a living wage, then what happens to teachers, nurses, doctors, janitors, cooks, cleaners, clerks, security guards, police officers, emergency personnel, etc etc? If there is no incentive for regular working people, that’s when the system will collapse and there’s not going to be any customers or good employees left for businesses to thrive.


Notice how Daniel is constantly talking about improving a single person's life, while Gary is talking about society as a whole.


I'm genuinely trying to figure out if these tech bros are lying or just delusional. Is that seriously your advice? That everyone should become a software engineer or a YouTuber? What—because we're all going to eat code and drink content?
This is insanity.
We need farmers. We need truck drivers. We need teachers. We need people to build houses, fix toilets, dig holes, and cook food. That's the real economy—not this tech bubble we're living in. And it’s those people who are losing everything, day by day.
And no—robots won’t fix the problem. They’ll make it exponentially worse by eliminating even these low-paying jobs people still rely on.


1:53:15 “Most people want to start a business” no Daniel, they do not. They want to be able to work 40ish hours a week and afford food, a house, heating, children and leisure.


It's a lie that everyone is either jealous, or wants to be rich. I live in Norway where you can work your life in a supermarket, retire in comfort and security, afford a once a year holiday in southern Europe, and be completely happy with that.


I choose to be a nurse and have worked in healthcare for over 40 years. Not a business person or entrepreneur. I choose a profession to care for people and contribute to society in this way. Never needed big house or multiple home. I just wanted a decent home and be able to take care of care of it. In my profession I have seen it factorized to funnel money upwards.


When will Dan realise that the number one constraint on economic freedom is more people having literally no money to spend?


Workers paying tax is regarded as paying your dues but taxing the rich is regarded as a punishment.


Just finished the interview. I’m guessing the massive support of Gary’s points goes to show just how much regular people are struggling to survive due to living standards collapsing for the middle class and the poor. Gary is not going to save us, we have to save ourselves by working together to demand change. Not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur, but even being a teacher should be valuable enough that one doesn’t have to struggle to pay the bills.


I have no aspiration to become rich. All I want is to get by, save a little, and have a decent pension. I have no need for a big house or lavish vacations. What I value most is time—and so should everyone else. Technological progress should give us more free time, yet for some reason, we are expected to work more and longer, just to survive.


32:00 Daniel says, government is terrible at doing most things, then proceeds to explain how big consulting firms scam the government for taxpayer money. It almost seems like economic corruption, not governments, are the problem here?


Im Singaporean and majority of us natives are struggling just to get by lol. The widespread affluent ppl that he refers to are the rich foreigners pouring into the country


The current system has forgotten the Ford rule: you can make cars, but you need people to buy them. The UK is collapsing because the consumer market is shrinking due to the laymen’s spending power going down. There is little wealth to further extract, so millionaires leave


I’m a local service based entrepreneur. We are all losing 20% of our revenue to facebook and Google ads. Giving 5% to vistaprint. 10% to Square or other POS systems. 20% to Amazon and eBay. 

The issue is even if you’re a locally owned and operated business your revenues aren’t being redistributed locally. They’re being sent to tech and Wall Street.


I'm a massive DOAC fan. Everyday I look forward to listening to it on my morning commutes. I've never felt compelled to comment on a YouTube video but this is such an important issue being discussed. Great episode!


“Freedom of the heron is death of the fishes.”  Might be the most brilliant comment I have ever heard. First time I have ever heard that and to Gary or whomever came up with that….genius!


Daniel, the point is, for society to function, someone needs to be a nurse, someone needs to be a police officer, someone needs to be fireman, someone needs to be a teacher - not everyone can be an entrepreneur. Who's providing the services in your version of society? Most people just want the security that comes with owning their own home. Where are they going to live when they get old? Are we going to bring back the workhouse? Middle and working class people are getting squeezed out from asset ownership - unless you change the system, neo-feudalism is the future.


I’m 42. When I was at Tesco’s at age 19, I would get time and a half on Sunday. When I was 22, I was paying £3k a year to get university tuition and £50 per week for accommodation. I later studied to be a social worker and got a bursary and living expenses to do that so I didn’t have to get into any debt. I bought my house with Help To Buy and it’s subsequently gone up in value by a third. If I was to live my life again now, I wouldn’t get time and a half on a Sunday, I would be paying £10.5k per year for uni tuition and probably £200 per week for accommodation. I would have to get into huge debt to retrain to be a social worker and I would have to find a deposit of around £30k on my own to be able to live in the home I currently do. I was lucky coming of age when I did, but even then I was paying significantly more for things than the previous generation had. Things get worse year on year for ordinary people. That’s the problem and that’s why Gary is right