
Thanks for the attribution correction, but it's just the life of a small and essentially retired YouTuber. It's awesome and doesn't go unnoticed that you're trying to set a good example, though!


It would actually be pretty funny to keep the station as "Nowhere" and the destination as "Herenow". Has that Earthbound vibe to it. 😂


Thanks for stopping by you lovely people!!! What shall we call the new station?? Stick with 'nowhere' or you got something better?? 😃


I have a feeling No. 5 flew over a LOT of heads, but I appreciate the fact that you made the joke anyway. That was... perfect.


You really need to build some small 1980 midwestern houses and a radio signal tower in nowhere


"Shady Oaks" sounds perfect for a small, quiet station out in the middle of the deep woods


Two suggestions for the little train station.

1. You only have a platform on one side of the tracks. So the train wouldn't be able to drop anyone off when going one way, without doing a full loop around the network. Add a simple platform on the opposite end and do either a small girder bridge or tunnel to cross the tracks.

2. Maybe a small luggage area for the ticket office? After all it's a long trip, and people might be bringing more than overnights.


1. maybe use one of the framed blocks panels to cover up the small gap in the bus.

2. Feel like it should be called nowhere for now, until we get a full name for the area


Keep the Station name as "Nowhere" since it is actually in the middle of nowhere


One week without the perfect world was like a famine. We all love u


you should set the bus to wait at the train station till after the train leaves so that you can always get on the bus at that station instead of waiting for it to show up.


I love the Phantom killing montage just to end it with the quiet waiting for the track. I can just imagine the MC Beardstone spending nights upon nights awake to then fight an exhausting battle with Phantoms to then sit, half asleep at the end of the conveyor belt with an open backpack just picking up the bits and bobs that make the rails.


Since the bus is going through the middle of nowhere, you should try to make the bus look dirty instead of in mint condition


There's something simultaneously so cozy and comforting and desolate and melancholy about all this beautiful and detailed infrastructure sprawling across a world utterly devoid of people. Benches no one will ever sit on. Ticket offices no one will ever visit. The essence of the vibe of Minecraft, I suppose.


Here's a tip, if you set the stations that slow and speed up the bus to "waypoint through" on the train schedules, then it won't stop at the station :)


bro here you can make a small town of 5 6 houses may be 50 blocks away to make it reasonable for a train station


The buses rear tires need to come forward a block or two. Right now they look funny being so far back. 

Love the series. Keep them coming


Can I recommend the name Nowair Station or a variation like Nohwair? Keeps the original intent while showing a historical tweaking of the name common to a lot of old villages, etc.


I adore that little scene of you waiting at the bus stop and the road trip after. So satisfying.


Love the bus ride montage. Yep definitely some bridge work needed! Getting flashbacks to the hardcore series :)