
The state of Israel is a textbook definition of an apartheid state. You don’t want to give the Palestinians recognition. You want to keep them subjugated. One state for all, with equal rights and privileges– from the river to the sea.


If The right to self determination  includes violent occupation and ethnic cleansing then maybe .. it’s time to reevaluate your value system or lack there of.


Supporters of the BDS movement believe that Israel's actions towards Palestinians constitute severe human rights violations, including accusations of ethnic cleansing. Some Jewish individuals also support the boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel, viewing it as a way to oppose these policies. They argue that such measures will persist until there is a significant change in Israel's treatment of Palestinians.


This people of BDS has a mental issue.


Last night i had an a epiphany about a solution to the boycotted companies over their business ties and dealing with Israeli Aparhied. The solution to that dilemma, is for the BDS companies making an announcement that all profits made from doing business in Israel will be donated to UNERWA and for rebuilding of Gaza. If you do that, you may come out as heroes, not villains


BDS- Stop the terrorism!


Baruch HaShem 
Am Yisroel Chai


That’s not the definition of anti-semitism though. How convenient the first statement you make in the video a false moral dilemma in order to push your point. If that’s your definition of anti-Semitic that that’s me I guess but I’m not the definition when I search on google and the dictionary


Jews Will Be Victorious same as During Time of Esther and Mordecai.   

  Long Live Israel!




This is the exact definition of anti-sionism, not anti-semitism. From the river to the sea...


I stand with Israel and the Jewish people. I pray for their safety and the protection of their communities.


Y’all are leaning hard on everything being antisemitic


Ty hat is not the definition 🙄


May the people of Gd find this list and support and pray for all these people and places.


They going too far.


Blood libel is real.


To conflate Zionism with Judaism is manipulative


idk where you're getting this information since you post no sources, but on their website they explicitly say they dont just target any individual or organization for being Israeli, they target those that have active involvement of the illegal settlement which have been condemned by the international community, goes against human rights, and is in violation of international human rights law (its in the name, illegal settlements). The state of Israel was built, as have its supporters, by means of settler colonialism which is generally unaccepted by the world at this day and age. However, the Palestinians and BDS movement EXTEND their understanding to an unbelievable limit and are asking for the illegal settlements, the ones that are not accepted by ANYONE in this world but them, to be made right. A state that has its basic laws in the benefit of JEWS ONLY is not an inclusive modern democratic state, and political ideologies based on ethnic exclusion have and can and do change. Equating any criticism of the illegal actions of a government, a state, an invasive settler colonial invasion, with anti-semitism is a way of silencing those speaking up against human rights violations and to be frank at this point it is overplayed and pointless.


God bless Israel.