
Frankly speaking when I first visited Chongqing I thought of it as a huge dump, dirty and poor and it felt so surreal. But the longer I stayed I started to love the city, the small alleyways, long, steep staircases, the hills all around and the views! I expected the weather to be really bad there, but I was surprised by how blue the sky was there after all (I was there in March). It's people are very friendly and helpful even though most of them don't know any English and they're so hardworking (I can't help admire them). Also I didn't see there almost any beggars as I saw in Shanghai...
 Ciqikou (the ancient town) was my favourite place there along with the super cozy Yangtze River Intl Youth Hostel and Sunrise Mingqing hostel. If you want to see a real rural Chinese city in all it's honesty, then you should visit Chongqing!


Who else is here because of school


Hey Stef great video, you must have waiting months to get days that "clear" to be able to film the city. Are you still living there? I just went back to visit last month


By area yes- Chongqing is by far the biggest city in the world.But the urban area is significantly smaller. Of approx. 30 million people- the 'city proper' is around 8 million- ie about the size of London. In world terms this would rank Chongqing somewhere between 25th and 30th. Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin are much more densely populated but cover smaller areas.


I was there in September in 2016 for 4 days. Everyone keeps talking about populations, does it really matter. Go there and see it and then decide what you think. 32,000,000 is still a lot of people. It really is a magical city to see. I was glad I went there. I can say I saw it.


like the sci-fi feeling


I am right here I am from chongqing university the top comments is exactly what i feel ,but I still love here ,it is a quite advanced mega city in western of china 


It's completely unbelievable


What is the city like to visit? I always wanted to go to "a real chinese city" which isn't well known to the west. but are there any things that are worth sightseeing?


This all strikes me as a disaster in the long run...Mao may not have been right about much, but, in his opposition to 'urbanization', he was right.


the cities look huge,huge than seoul in south korea


It looks huge, although I thought Tokyo was the largest city in terms of population.


i dont like the ominous music.  


actully i m from there. nowadays the city seems to be occupied by the new comers. traffic, education and even medical service here suffer from the booming of popullation. the influence of urbanlization comes much quicker than the city gets ready for.


It looks like a soulless ant hill.  Give me Paris any day




Great overview! I wonder if the megametropolises that China is developing today under communistic party will be sustainable after the regime will change into more liberal one? There is a reason for cities in west having their limits and these reasons have lot to do with resources and logistics. Especially with economical structure behind the resource management. If this structure is not sustainable China is building potential ghost towns.


indeed the city is more attractive than it. there are many graduates moving there too, and also the privileges in smaller towns would like to move to bigger city like this too. so the booming of people is not only about workers but, well, i must say the wealth gap is more and more broadened. here most images video showed are the poor sides especially around  its 50s', that area showed disappears this year. anything just gets more complicated if it happens in China, so a video is too short:)


I like China really I fan of china


cost of living is a lot cheaper then the west to compare with...