
EWU CREW! 🐺💛 If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to SMASH the subscribe button!

📺 WATCH MORE AREA 51 VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJW3xeb_4nWuTRioVxfFWpTlBFm06p9Xv


ewu crew is the best I can't wait until you guys have some more missing persons videos or updates on missing persons keep doing a great job guys


so weird seeing one of your vids with a couple hundred views instead of like 100-500k or more.  good to see the continuance of good work


Can you write more signs to the camo dudes again


If I was near you guys, we’d get along so well, your channel is amazing and I always get excited or can’t wait for you to post, keep doing the good work, don’t like anything change the way you work


Be careful with that beef jerky ya never know who ya might be chewing on lol


Another great video keep up the good work ewu crew


I’ve never been this early!!! What’s up EWU Crew!!!?


I always support you from japan♪♪


This channel has changed so much. I miss your old style of videos. Visiting creepy abandoned places. Those videos sent chills down my spine. 
I feel like there have been a few videos like this lately that are quite repetitive. Forget about 51 for a bit and find some crazy abandoned house in the middle nowhere.


It's so funny because this all went from one sarcastic comment to a huge event. Needless to say, I will be marking this event on my calendar and I'll be checking all social media platforms when it happens. My dad was joking and said we should get an big sun umbrella and lawn chairs and sell drinks and snacks to the raiders lol 😂




This's the earliest I've ever been to one of your videos! I can't wait to watch it! I love you guys so much!! ❤️


Great vid guys! You guys are moving to the top. Your vids are so exciting plus so much info with the clips. You guys never let anyone bring you down. Keep up the good work. I'm with you guys till the end!


I'm from canada🇨🇦🇨🇦 I love your videos and even though I'm not an American citizen, your videos have me super interested in area 51, keep on what your doing👍🏼 great videos!


Your channel has grown a lot lately. It is about time people realized how much fun thia channel is.


brooooo i’ve never been this early.   love you guys!!!!


Never been this early!!!! Love you guys!!


Another great video guys! It was also perfect timing as my grandson was asking me questions about Area 51 (what it was and that sort of thing), your explanation on this video helped a lot. He’s 7 and likes this type of stuff.


Awesome!!! Ever thought about bringing food out and write a sign saying we got lunch for you?? Lol lol