If influencers are the reason people decide to vote and not because of their own views and research, we are so cooked 💀💀


I always hate it when people get mad at celebrities for not talking about their political views or staying neutral, because they know good and well they’re gonna throw a temper tantrum if the celebrities views don’t align with theirs.


What I hate about politics is that its ALWAYS extremists on both sides desperatly trying to gain a moral high ground on the other. Literally no middle ground extreme amounts of hypocrisy.


This year's timeline vid is gonna have Tommy acting overtime 😂. The amount of things that happened this year so far


It is just a bunch of rich people pretending they care about poor people they are all actors and actress


Petition for Tommy to become an American polititian and get rid of taxes for his subscribers.


It’s crucial for People like this to call out both sides otherwise they get put into a box where they’re supporting one or the other


American politics is ass because they only use 2 parties creating a huge split in society. Which side your on is basically fandoms (both sides are echochambers) when its a lot more nuance than left/right


When Tommy brought up that both parties try to tap into what the youth was into, that started to bring flashbacks to what Hillary Clinton said about Pokemon Go for me


This whole entire fucking year has been weird because of politics


That's why I respect celebrities who don't have or share their political views rather then picking a side they just mind their own business


Something that I feel is important to mention is that despite how turbulent, confusing, and hateful it can get; it is VERY IMPORTANT that we are all illiterate and up-to-date on politics! Especially here in U.S. with how things have been! For IGNORANCE, is one of the most important tools for those in power to gain too much said power and use it to commit absolutely atrocious things! Things that would destroy MILLIONS of lives!


American politics needs to be stopped


Adin ross couldnt even describe how supply and demand works to andrew tate and now he is talking to federal politicians


At this point, America could be a TV show. Who is the main character, though? 🤔


I really miss when you didn’t need to know or care about your favorite content creators’ poltical views


I'm not left or right, I'll vote either side depending on the campaign. But god damn I'm tired of old people.


As my late grandpa used to say: “Money talks, bullshit walks.”


I'm just glad the "Don't recommend channel" option exists on YouTube. It helped me quite a lot to stay away from American politics and the three stooges Logan, Jimmy and KSI


Thank goodness you uploaded, I was starting to go insane