Can I add something to the weird request list? Lost items and lockers. It's so silly and frivolous, but something deep inside of me would love if guests could lose items on rides causing downtime while items were recovered. The guests would then have to go to an information kiosk to recover their items. And of course lockers could be added outside of the queue lines to prevent this from happening. Is it entirely unnecessary? Yes, of course. Would it add a fun and realistic little element to management? I think so. But most importantly: would it be funny to see guests getting angry that they lost the keys to their rental car? Absolutely.
Something that I’ve already raised on the forum as a suggestion is seasonal decorations. I don’t feel that it would be a difficult dev task, but having the ability to set decorations to only be present in a particular season would be amazing. Decorate your park up for winter, toggle the decorations and they all go away until your park hits winter (preferably with a slight randomised delay on each so they don’t all just pop in all of a sudden!)
Pretty please a beach-side map or an island map
Yes to all that. Plus:- * A spline based custom ride support construction system (setup the start and end pieces, and then have the Game link the two with the support beam, custom supports at the moment are a freaking nightmare!). * More creativity with the food/drink menu's (let me over salt the fries, and then upcharge for a soda! ) * Water Canons (for the Water rides!)... A lot of parks now have water cannons mounted on the edge of paths over the Water rides for guests to use to squirt riders (for a small fee). * Customizable gates, If I cant get rid of the exit gates, let me at least have some Theming options for them. * Flow control. Employee only, and One Way pathing options. * Restrooms and Facilities with separate in / out doors (or the option to have).
I really want coaster maintenance depots!!! This could be integrated into the park managment and economics. Could work like this. 1. Coasters with no depot would need to be closed for trains to undergo regular maintenance. Coasters with a depot could by cycled off for maintenance and the ride could keep running. 2. Ride oporating costs would be variable with the number of trains on the circuit. If the que gets longer bringing another train on from the depot could increase capacity offsetting the increased running costs. A shorter que would insentivise bringing a train off the circuit so it doesn't waste money and run empty. 3. Depots would have to be connected to staff paths. As would block sections via stairs ect. 4. Evacuations during break downs would happen in this staff path network.
Rentable lockers for guests to put their stuff in would be perfect
Loading and unloading on rollercoasters is great, but since we have switch tracks how about multiple stations for a single ride. Think Big Thunder Mountain or Manta. I'm also interested to see how the game handles multiple levels and pools, since I think I've only seen them on the 'ground' so far. I'm not expecting them to interact, but can we build them or are pools on one level? and if we can, can we connect them with paths and stairs? As for exit pools, I've just noticed that the pool for the yellow drop slide on Deep Dive 1 appears to be functioning in that way.
Id be interested to see Mazes. would be cool to be able to set up functional hedge mazes or even get the chance to make a pop up scare maze for a spooky park or something
A no entry sign in general would be really cool
Yes to the speeding up the exiting off the ride. It's so annoying, especially if it's a long platform. It can take forever for people to get off and nothing you do can improve it. The two stations would also be amazing
More kiddie rides options. Most can be re skined. For example those rides under the umbrellas can be various cars, trucks, helicopters, motorcycles, space ships, etc... Smaller Dumbo type rides for airplanes, elephants, rockets, etc.. that can go up and down by guest control Most would have the same ride mechanics but just a different ride vehicle.
😄Smashing as always. Get rid of those gates!
I would love to see a release date
Some of the things I’d love to see. - Interactive playground pieces. Would be fun to design playground for the younger guests. Especially since there could be water related playgrounds. - Some unconfirmed coaster types: Mack Xtreme Spinner (there is a Mack spinner confirmed, but it said for all ages and cannot invert) Mack Powered Coaster (would be a nice, unique option for family coasters) Mack Big Dipper (it’s a unique and creative coaster type) Mack Hyper (not sure if it was on the roster or not…) (Were swing launches already conformed?) Vekoma Flying Dutchman (would add nice flying coaster variety) RMC Raptor (Since it’s actually been built a lot, unlike the Rex, we really should have this one) Alpine Coasters - The theming of a ride being able to impact ratings. It’s kind of annoying a have a coaster that’s largely a dark ride have bad ratings because you’re using friction wheels to slowly guide the train through a darkride section. - Omnimovers (Did we already have suspended dark ride trains in PlanCo1… I believe we did with the studios DLC or something) - Trackless darkrides - (This is the biggest one for me) Madhouses. I’d love being able to design the interior and then program a show with the new sequencing tools. And on a similar note, I’d also love other flat rides that are always highly themed. Another example is the Dynamic Motion Stage from Intamin, which will open for the first time October 31st at Efteling with Danse Macabre. This looks like an amazing attraction to have in game. It can rotate like teacups (both the full turntable as well as individual seats), but it can also be inclined at slight angles. Furthermore, the platform can also be raised and lowered down, creating a sort of mini drop element. This would be such a versatile ride type. - Walkthroughs. I think it would be nice to create walkthroughs which your guests will regard as such. Thing is, I don’t know how ratings for it would be determined. Edit: I’d love for pools to be able to have gentle stairs leading down into the pool for the guests who don’t want to climb out/dive in. I don’t believe that’s been confirmed. And perhaps having slopes and adjusting a pool’s depths could be great in general.
I want to see coaster ratings be able to change for a high thrill or kiddie or family...i hate making a great family coaster and the game give it a 4.7 excitiment, which isnt fair for the ride that i am making
0:44 Since this is what nets most of the amusement parks their money, I'd love to see it as well.
Mod support without a doubt
I'd agree with pretty much all of these, definitely the exit pools with an 'exit only' button. Also, minigolf - if they gave us a working minigolf attraction, I'd quite happily just build a big adventure golf course and forget about all the massive roller-coasters. My wish would be for holding areas where you can gather a large number of queueing guests and put on a pre-ride show for them. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; just a plaza area at the end of the queue that you can decorate and use animatronics/actors (maybe?) to break up long queues and help with loading/unloading, while delivering some sort of themed show that keeps them there for a minute or so. Peeps in this area wouldn't get bored. It's something the major theme parks have, after all! Further to that, another meter for guests, titled 'anticipation'. The pre-ride show would help increase that, but basically the anticipation meter would rise whenever a guest caught sight of the ride or joined the queue, and it rises or falls based on how well you've themed the queue, the interaction of the ride with the paths where possible, the pre-ride show, the length of the queue, etc. If the anticipation meter is higher when they start the ride, they enjoy it a lot more! Plus, the higher the anticipation, the more they're willing to wait in a queue! Anyway, my other wish is that they make those gates twice as big, and mandatory on every single ride. I want them twelve feet tall and flashing blue and red. Bonus if they make it so you can't place scenery items on them. Because it's my duty as a total bastard.
A few things that I really want. - People Elevators - Boat ride option for dark rides (Monster Mansion @ SFOG) - More special track options for whitewater rapids and other rides (RCT3 had more track options than PC1)