
We all came running from adiyogi to adi-alayam in pouring rain and took seats as soon as possible to witness this brilliant performance. They fell short of songs but Sadhguru didn't let them go and it went way beyond 12 in the midnight. What a blissful time when I witnessed the child in our Sadhguru asking for more and more 🙏🪷🙏


The performance was supposed to happen in front of Adiyogi but it started raining (fortunately in the beginning itself). So Sadhguru announced that it was a much awaited performance and requested everyone to gather in the Adiyogi Alayam. Everyone ran in the rain, some participants came by buses.

I'm so lucky to have listened to this blissful pair of voices IRL ❤ The jugalbandi was surreal! Never in my life had I seen such a huge crowd vibing so much to classical music. Some were standing the whole time; it was so packed. The entire Adiyogi Alayam was echoing with thunderous claps and "once more" (mind you, it was almost 12 am and lots of people were still requesting Naiharwa etc the songs which, unfortunately, she didn't know). Even Sadhguru himself was like (to the singers) "If you're tired then we'll excuse you but we're not done😂"❤ It was really out of the world experience to even be there.

People were clapping along and Sadhguru was like "You do know that you're not supposed to do that during classical songs, right😂"

What a night! Really wonderful to have such mesmerizing singers among us.

PS: I was sitting two people behind the camera stand drenched and trembling (more by cold or joy idk😂)


Champeya gowrardha sareerakayai,
Karpoora gourardha sareerakaya,
Dhamillakayai cha jatadaraya,
Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva
To Her whose body shines similar to molten gold,
To Him whose body shines like the burning camphor,
To Her who has a well made up hair,
And to Him who has the matted lock. 

Kasthurika kumkuma charchithayai,
Chitharaja puncha vicharchithayai,
Kruthasmarayai vikrutha smaraya,
Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,
To Her whose body is smeared with musk and saffron,
To Him whose body is smeared with ashes of a burning ghat,
To Her whose prettiness radiates love,
And to Him who destroyed the God of love. 

Jhanath kvanath kankana noopurayai,
Padabja Rajat phani noopuraya,
Hemangadhayai bhujagangadhaya,
Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya. 

My salutations to both Prvathi and Shiva,
To Her who has tinkling pretty anklets,
To Him who has the king of snakes as anklet,
To Her who shines with golden anklets,
And to Him who has snakes as anklets. 

Visala nilothphala lochanayai,
Vikasi pangeruha lochanaya,
Samekshanayai vishamekshanaya,
Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya. 

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,
To Her who has eyes as wide as the blue lotus,
To Him who has eyes as wide as a fully opened lotus,
To Her who has even number of eyes,
And to Him who has odd number of eyes. 

Mandhara mala kalithalakayai,
Kapalamalankitha kandharaya,
Divyambarayai cha Digambaraya,
Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya. 

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,
To Her whose hair is decorated with divine flowers,
To Him who wears a garland of skulls,
To Her who dresses in great silks,
And to Him wearing the eight directions.


This is Ardhanarishvarastotram describing how Shiva and Shakti, the two contrasting sides of Man and Woman, are in perfect union and hence complete...


"How many times have you listened to this?"


I remember running just beside Sadhguru's Car as he drove towards Isha Yoga centre from Adiyogi 😍
I was totally drenched in rain and there was a group of people besides me who were singing songs on the top of their voices and i joined them and Sang with them until we reached Adiyogi Alayam and witnessed this Magical concert Happen.
Witnessing this live was a blessing in itself 🥹❤️🙏


Wow i still remeber this night was really one of the most beautiful and completely dream like at Ashram, please please also upload all the other songs at this night or if possible the full telecast please❤SADHGURU👣🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️


I'll never forget that night... I can't find words to what happened inside me back then. And these videos take me back to that experience every time. The rain as well felt amazing.


Iswara Thalli Parvathi Subramanya Swamy Ganesha 🙏🙏🙏


I can’t fail to admire the posture and self control of the girl dressed in green in the chorus.


There was music playing. There we were, in Adiyogi alayam, sitting. I turned to face Sadhguru. I was engrossed in him. How beautiful he felt. It was impossible to ignore him. And by this chant, I was transported to another realm.


There are no words of describing this Composition. Naman to The supreme ,Adi shankaracharya for this composition and the singers , instrument player and A True Devotee "Sadhguru". 🙏🙏🙏


This song made the Adiyogi Alayam hall reverberate in a different level of energy at midnight with Sadhguru. Was eagerly waiting to hear it again, got tears immediately when i heard it


I m also one of the luckiest person attended in this live performance & soaked completely with kaushiki mam divine voice


I don't know about heaven. But may be I experienced it on this 23rd September night. Tears started, the moment this Song music has started. I couldn't control myself and closed my eyes listened the whole song. We didn't feel the time even it was around 12 and after that Isha Samskriti students and Radhe akka dance was just blissful and astonishing.  🙏🙏🙇🙇


Being in touch with a living guru isn't just a privilege; it's a life-time experience that we all realized that day.


One of finest audience in a classical concert and what to say about those maestros they are in their journey to a deeper spiritual space where they are beyond music aur any technicalities


What a night that was to witness it live! Video was long overdue. Hope the full concert will be uploaded 🙏


A magical night it was ❤ with his presence everything becomes special.


Grâceful…i am freeze actually…j’adore la musique….ohm namashivaya ohm namashivaya……