I’m so glad you did this video! I only had the audiobook so I felt like I may have missed a few things but you cleared them up. I too loved Ridoc he is definitely my favorite friend of the group & the scene where he learns that Xaden was Venin & he kept asking Violet what would be her cut card was friend goals for sure. I was broken when andarnas left but (maybe unpopular opinion) I think it would have been better if she hadn’t come back so quickly. That ending though 😮I thought maybe I missed something in the book where she had previously instructed Imogen to wipe her mind but glad to see you were just as perplexed 😂I have to say though it’s not often that I am more invested in the story more than the romance but this series I totally am. Loved it 4.5 ⭐️
This was so fun to watch, I’m glad you decided to vlog 🙌🏽 There was a lot of comedic relief I appreciated throughout the book. Loved Ridoc & Aric too! I was so confused about the marks on Dain & Brennan too 🧐 What a plot twist at the end, I was shook that either Bodhi or Garrick turned. Im kinda leaning toward Bodhi since Xaden married Violet to keep Tyrrendor? Also, I’m thinking maybe she might’ve wanted her memories removed because they stole the eggs 🫣
Omg I just finished the audio and ordered the physical books (I don’t have any of them) I can’t get over the ending of this book omg 😮
I loved this edition so much I’m so intrigued my violets new power with the dreams bc of Aerndarna And I’m so glad she got to go off with her family, as sad as it was saying goodbye to her All of violets dads theories and what not about arndarnas species 😮🤯
I wonder what Bohdi's second signet is?! I agree with Andarna coming back.. and it was barely spoken about. I hate the cliffhanger especially since we have to wait TWO YEARS. Also I think the "brother" Xaden is talking about is Garrick because he's also missing, although they don't mention Bohdi either so who really knows, but I don't think Bohdi turned.
Have you read any Brigid kemmerer books or N . galilea books?
Violet and xadens back and forth did annoy me in this book much like in iron flame it was same old for them but the jokes everyone else made about them being like an old married couple then the ending 😮 I still rated this book 5 starts or like infinity stars I just have so much love for this series Holden/ Halden is so annoying but also funny and I liked him after awhile