2:56 The difference is the eyes. Very big 4:10 The difference is the back of the hat. It's tall 5:55 You can already tell. The blushes are thick which is unusual. 6:40 If you look VERY closely, you will see that option one has no crystal look 7:00 Again with the thick blushes 7:32 If you also look VERY closely, you will see that option one is gray, which is a pretty weird color. 8:33 Pink is a really weird color especially when you're trying to be scary. 9:36 Look at the blushes: it's thick, tall and slightly brighter than option two. End
Laugh.... H A H A H A H A H A H A
I think it’s important for everyone to know i’m drinking apple juice !
Honestly no point of buying the super happy face let’s be honest 😂
at this rate ugc is gonna bootleg their own merch, they’re burning through things to copy so quick
Day 3 of asking laughability to look into the camera for 10 seconds and then say “mayonnaise” (i forgor)
Who else got them all correct
8:28 perfectly cut scream of 2023 Yes I liked my own comment
I brought the bandit mask when I was younger because it looked cool to me. I didn’t know it was copying a really expensive item lol
2:16 laugh saying ass completes me
9:00 At this one I thought you were talking about the hast because the fake headless looked so realistic
As a Roblox veteran, I'm proud to say I got all of these correct
7:18 The reason why you can tell it's fake it's because the blush looks too 3D and the real one is 2D, the fake one also has a lighter color.
4:51 I tried that once and some little kids believed it was real💀
3:30 That ain’t the Super Super Happy Face, thats the Powerless Powerless Upset Face 💀
W laugh 2:45
POV: me insecure about my size telling my date on my bed 0:41
As a Roblox veteran, I got them all right.