
So excited to see John Haack compete


Saw the name "Bald" at the bottom of the Viking press footage and thought man, OSG is doing Bromley dirty just calling him that 😂


Up until recently I thought Alexander Bromley and Chad Wesley Smith were the same person


Godel Escher Bach casually chilling on the desk, bromley goated, intellectual athlete


Looking forward to hearing about your experience at the comp. You looked pretty solid when I saw you    the other day! Hope you get the snow you want! The cold is a given. Have a great time and do well!


This show truly is the platinum standard… period.
It’s the HUGEST contest to jump into with 4 weeks notice AB! For reference commenters, elite guys I know have been prepping since Sept. lol- love  it- pedal to the floor and see what happens .. good luck sir  💪🏼


Wisconsin here we are!!!!!YOU VS ME!!!!!! IT IS GAME TIME!! I ate a burger and fries with wings and pretzels today. Hope starving and not drinking water is fun!


Under promise and over deliver. Works like a charm.


Planning to be there Saturday afternoon/evening. Will be cheering for you!


Bromley can't meme right. We want t-shirts that say "BENT BARBELL ROWS" and "UPPER BACK BUILT LIKE *bromleyesque simile*"


Excited to see you there, I'm competing in the Junior HW Division this year


Looking forward to the post comp video. Good luck.


I never thought I would say this but I'm gonna watch the event. After I entered my powerlifting/strongmen gym 4 months ago, the strength sports keep pulling me in.


Great spirit and approach! Hope you do well! Nice holidays!


Can't wait to watch!


Good luck at OSG. I enjoy your content


OSG is a cool show.  Good luck Bromley.  It will definitely be interesting to see how John Haack does.  Nicolai is my favorite in the 90kg class.


An unlicensed world strongest man competition is peak barbarism


Very excited for you! Get some!


Will root for you, man