
They’re like the cutest mix of hamsters and rats 🥰


Mice are talented at all the things: climbing, digging, nesting, socializing 🐁 Never boring.


I have a hamster right now, but I'd also love to own mice someday when i move and have more space! Your channel has been so helpful for me to learn about them


Haha that is the cutest thing ever. I love your mice ❤️❤️


I love  your channel. It's  relaxing and and informative


So cute!


And yet, some care guides tell me “mice are not good climbers”….


Yeah exactly my gerbils arent hamsters either they may have fur on their tail but they aren’t hamsters they still need too climb ALOT.!


That is the biggest mouse I’ve ever seen lol


Yeah!! Hamster are kind of a climbers too but mice is jus not a hammy!!!


Dont you mean rats?


That is not a mice