“Thank you mario, but our princess-“ “SHES AT THE FUCKING CASINO AGAIN, ISN’T SHE!?”
The actual reason why Peach goes missing so many times:
“Mama mia Peach! where did the castle go to?” Peach: “So there is this place called Las Vegas..”
She earned that dab.
“I’m sorry but princess peach is in another castle.” what she’s actually doing: Edit: WHA- I FORGOT ABOUT THIS VIDEO I MEAN THANK YOU FOR THE LIKES JESUS
Peach is gambling for that gold. (Edit) Thanks for all thie likes
"Princess, the kingdom is going in debt for... just one more try?"
Did princes peach just do a quick dab for all the lost homies?
"Sorry Mario, but Peach is feeding her gambling Addiction!"
It’s really a shame that you can’t incorporate the REAL 3D world tactic into this game. In the game on the first 2 beats of the song, hit the blocks and you’re guaranteed to get at least 2 blocks right.
Imagine if there was a Sonic theme park with Casino Night Zone slots like these ones.
I’m not even a fan of the game, but that way very cool, props to you 😂💕
Yo this is actually so cool
OMG! I just love her pink outfit. It makes her look so cute and adorable!
Mario: PEACH IM GONA SAVE YOU! Peach meanwhile:
When gambling goes on a whole new level
Wow, super impressive! 👏
In the game i used to connect all my controllers and just stand under the blocks and press all the buttons at once, worked every time
They need to make this adaption of Super Mario 3D world