
EWU CREW! 🐺💛 If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to SMASH the subscribe button!

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I can't get over the fact that when the girls stand together it looks like a Pokemon evolution lol.


Great video! And bob you’ve done and incredible job raising them right you have a great family!


Bob's out here breaking child labor laws to get his new Gem store off the ground 🤣


That was a fun video.
You should be proud of your daughters, they're all highly intelligent people.
You did well Bob,.


Anytime you guys are finding quartz keep an eye out for gold!


Love  your  videos.  My  Daddy  was  a  mechanic,  and  Truck driver and  he  taught  me  a   lot  about  how  to  get  your  vehicle  out  (  if  you  get  stuck )  If  you  are  on  dry  sand,  take  plenty  of  water  and  pour  it  in  front  of  your  tires  and  behind  them.  Wet  sand  is  easier   to  drive   on.  If  you  are  in  MUD,  SNOW  or  Ice  rock  your  vehicle  back    and  forth  (  don't  spin  your  tires )   it  wears  the  tread  off,  and  makes  it  more  likely  to  get  stuck  again.  I  like  the  way  you   investigate  things. Going  down hill  go   down  at  an  angel,  if  you  try  to  go  straight  down,   you  risk  flipping   over.


This channel is everything, offroading - mining, exploring, now you guys just need to start cooking! Awesome content!


Living the dream of making your $ while spending time with your kids. Can’t say I’m not jealous.


This is a Dad doing it right! 😁💯☑️


I congratulations every one, First that Dad was with you,second doing something fun and last you ladies got along. You are setting a pretty high bar for others to meet!!!! again congratulations


Emma is so cute I have never seen anyone get so excited about rocks! Awesome video! I love rocks I use to collect them when I was little!


You are a wonderful Dad. I am a single dad with 2 daughters 18 and 14. I can appreciate the level of effort you give


Awesome video!
Your doing a amazing job raising your daughters!


Honestly, the true gem is getting to hang out with family and bonding like this. Such a beautiful family. <3


Normal people: those crystals are pretty



You are a nice family, love your adventures.


I know this was nine months ago. But I love the fact that you as a family go up and do things like this together. Our family is the same way keep the videos coming we miss seeing you guys.


It's really cool that you do this with your family. It's really sad that more ppl don't spend times doing inexpensive "adventures" like this that would make the bond between families last a life time.


Cool family and cool video. I then saw dallmyds video about finding a rare amethyst crystal. It had almost the same thumbnail. Postedthe same day. That's awesome, its a small world. I love it. Y'all take care and keep up the good work with your family Bob.