Sarvente:Roasting her friend Ruv:Roasting his friends clothing Selever:Roasting both his parents
Selever: -Arrives unannounced -Obliterates his parents -Refuses to elaborate
Sarvente: "goes to the knife fight and tries to talk them out of it" Ruv: "brings an axe to the knife fight" Selever: " brings a machine gun to the knife fight"
Sarvente: Roasted Ruv: Roasted Selever: RAP THE STAGE
Sarv: with that eyepatch you kind of look like a soviet pirate Me: 👁 👄👁 Also me: how you gonna make fun of the eyepatch YOU gave to him!?!?!
Love the fact that ruv still blushes to servente 😊😍
I wish they still made these
Sarvente: you look like a pirate Ruv: bruv you gave me this eye patch
Ruv: "I ain't no saint. I'm a sinner." Also Ruv: insults Sarv for being rejected from heaven
Sarvente: roasts her bf Ruv: roasts his gf Selever: roasts his parents goes crazy and mic drops
I honestly gotta give this win to Selever. Sarv and Ruv did pretty good, but Selever, he just roasted his parents that good, I honestly think he wins.
Ruv: How many round have you won, I'd say, NUN Everyone thinking Ruv won Selever: Im bout to end this man's whole career
I really like Ruv’s Russian accent so much!!
Ruv: Let's see how many rounds you've won, I'd say... nun! Epic burn from my man Ruvyzvat
“Let me see how many rap battles you’ve won, I say… *NUN*!” -Ruv Lol!
Ruv: I'd say "Nun" That's a great pun..
I like how ruv has the most Russian accent and his son inherited none of it
Ruv: "I'm no saint I'm a sinner." Also Ruv:*How does it feel to be a reject from heaven?"
ruv's vioce is so strange i love it, i think he should win