The black men weren’t diagnosed with Siphlysis. They were given sipglysis with the promise of free universal healthcare for them and their families!
My favorite question “what year did they stop testing on us”
It becomes a conspiracy theory when you get close to the truth.
I always knew you guys were secret government whistleblowers
I remember Shazaam coming out before Kazaam with Shaq- and thinking Shaq was ripping Sinbad off, I remember watching Shazaam (how ironic is it that I type Sha and predictive text already has Shazaam in its dictionary 🤔) but “Shazaam never existed” 🙄
Had to watch twice because I kept getting distracted by the cool stuff you all have in the studio.
lmao I go downstairs to put my fish i was thawing out in fridge and my dads watching the same video basically in sync with me watching it upstairs as well i was like how ironic we are both watching it at the same time
Project Paper Clip = 84...... Ninjas are Butterflies = 84
Pretty good assessment of all the sickos that were saved from WW2 , really is sickening
YOOOOO, that Pizza Hut LAMP!!!
Yesterday's "conspiracy theories" are just tomorrow's headlines.
They didn't "come true"', they were always true. It was just avid investigative researcher's, unclassified/classified documents being publicised, and whistleblowers that eventually showed people that things they've always been lied to about were actually factual events. We've only substantiated a small portion of things once considering "'conspiracy theories". Imagine all the things that people dismiss as conspiracy theories that are actually true, just waiting for a document dump or a few whistleblowers to confirm their veracity. Also, there are things that aren't even speculated about in conspiracy circles because nobody in the general public has ever heard about them. I can't even fathom all of the nefarious events that aren't even conspiracy theories because we have no idea there was a conspiracy to theorize about.
A broken clock is right twice a day😂
Once I saw the smacks in the background I 102% knew just knew this was legit…too legit……too legit to quit
Conspiracies are 99% factual:
I look alot like the guy that brings up all the information. LOL I'm an interdimensional alien spying on your planet
Question for you all Ever considered doing a paranormal stream?
Absurdity is their weapon of choice…😢
How y'all just finding out syphilis experiment