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That dog is so great. I love how he's right in there watching everything participating with everyone. He's going to love that new baby.


.... Love that dog !! ... Ludo knows he's one of the kids ...  You Two have built such an amazing life ....


My dad was a washer and dryer repairman in the 60's-70's... always said that the less crap they put in the machines, the less crap there is to break 😁 I bought a fancy washer with all the bells and whistles...it lasted 5 years. Bought a used, repaired, old speed queen that was 10 years old and I still have it 10 years later with no issues...and no fancy crap to break 😁


YAAAAASSSSSS I literally cheered when you said you decided on a speed queen❣️ 
I got fed up with all the mishaps & glitches of digital washers & dryers that have all the bells & whistles you never use!  
So a few years ago I bought a speed queen set, with the old school knobs, original agitator, NON water saving!
Thank you speed queen, our clothes get so clean, and your machines are super reliable!


You make your golden the happiest pupper!! Best loging helper, ever!! He is the sweetest dog.


I love the way Ludo helps!!!


Speed Queen, none digital panels, is a great choice! Keep up with the maintenance, and they can last you 25 plus years! ❤


My daughter had her baby yesterday morning at 6:03 am!!!! I was so worried. She’s 39 sooo. But everything went well. She’s 8lbs 3 ounces. Welcome to the world Natalie Rae, named after my picu nurse niece that passed away today at the age of 26. Dana Rae will forever live on!!!!!


I love how Ludo helps with the moving of the trees, and then proceeds to eat them...lol, great video Melissa! Are you going to have a virtual baby shower or is it too late?


Ludo is priceless, he’s such a blessing! ❤❤❤


I bought a Speed Queen set 10 years ago.  Still going strong.  Not one problem.  Purchased them because I was told all their parts are metal, not plastic.  No bells and whistles, but I'm very happy.


The pup is such a great dog. It gets a long with with the rest of the animals and is so helpful moving the branches. What a flock of turkeys. You are set for all the holidays dinners.


I think you should put an evergreen fir tree in the oval so you can have an outdoor Christmas tree with lights every year


Forest management! What a concept!❤️


I love this video and as a Montanan that lives in Spokane, I miss the wilderness so much. This is fun to watch. I missed Nevaeh's vid this week but seeing the family come together, even without her, made me feel a lot better because I really look forward to yalls vids, the way yall are as Christians, which I am also, makes these vids much easier for me. I'm autistic and struggling because I have attacks that just overtake my life daily, and it hurts so much. Then I see yall (and Nevaeh and your podcast) post and its just soooo comforting to watch. Thank You for what yall do. God Bless you!


I appreciate you allowing us into your lives ... It really feels like Im visiting family on the weekend... laundry time.


Ludo is such a sweet pup. I love how he lets the kids cuddle with him. My 2 GSDs are both protection trained so cuddles are few and far between but where we live, we need the added protection for our acreage. Sadly, crime here in North/Central Saskatchewan is crazy bad, so we have to have dogs that will guard their property...but I sure miss the cuddles you get from your fur baby. Isn't spring cleaning fun!? We just had another snowstorm Thursday into yesterday, so spring is a ways away yet. Another foot of new snow and winds to 60 km/h (40 mph). There is light at the end of the tunnel though as they say we will see 0 by next weekend...and its currently -12 so not too crazy. As always sending love from our acreage to yours.


Your dog has such personality.  So cute.   A pondless waterfall is nice.  Great idea on the Speed Queen.   I just replaced my 1997 washer and dryer with basic Speed Queen.


Hi Guys! Yes, Burn piles  ( living in the Redwoods) this time of year. Also a Burn Barrel is a must. For household trash, all paper products, cardboard etc. Saves a lot on dump runs. Everything is looking good. Looking forward to your new ideas!  🤠🧑‍🦰 🌲🌲 🎼