Thank you for actually showing the clips and not merely talking over them like so many other channels do.
After what happened to Dimebag Darrel this shit should be zero tolerance.
Amazing Vince Neil can stop singing, shout at a fan and have his singing come though the song at the same time 🤣
My favorite one is when Angus Young got a beer thrown at him, he got security to bring the guy up to him and he just pulled/squeezed his nose :D
Who goes to a concert, spends all that money, parking, the whole thing, then spend the whole time on your friggin cell phone? Or to get onstage to hassle the band? Some people have serious mental problems.
People who act like this are NOT fans!
Joe Elliott so polite about cutting somebody down 🤣
😂 Vince Niel melting-down as the pre-recorded tracks keep playing. 😂
Its wild to see Ozzy get that mad at someone asking for an autograph ive met him twice and he literally signed a ridiculous amount of autographs and was joking and hanging out , everyone has a bad day i guess!
I loved Rob Halfords cellphone kick without missing a line or acknowledging it further.
A lot of people don't realize a lot of musicians have had their share of scraps.
Whether it's a concert or sporting event, there's always one idiot in the crowd that wants to be the star of the show and will do anything to ruin the event for everyone else. I was at a concert in the early 90s when some dude threw a Coleman water jug at the singer, it missed but the people around the guy beat the crap out of him for doing it. You could hear him crying as they were laying the smackdown. It was hilarious and deserved. He could've just moshed and jumped around like everyone else but nope, he wanted some attention, and man did he get it.
I witnessed this once, 1981 or 1980 and was a Outdoor Rock event when they existed in USA, and Prince was on the venue and was 1st on stage. I have never seen so many giant dirt clods, bottles, cans, anything was thrown on that stage and at musicians. He never stopped, never complained, Prince did his set and walked off stage.
Why would you pay 100 to 200 bucks for a ticket just to throw something or flip the band/singer off? If you hate them that much spend the money on something you enjoy.
Am i the only one who heard Vince still singing when he was yelling at the dork who threw the bottle?
When Liberace was in Vegas performing someone made a remark ( it was hard to hear what was said ) and that Liberace dude got up from the Piano, walked around to the fancy stage access to then into the audience. He said, "that was you wasn't it". Next thing happened like lightning. He punched this guy with a combination punch, dropped him and then told security to get an ambulance. I love that Liberace dude. Miss that Vegas tuff guy behavior. You don't see much of that anymore in Vegas.
Maynard's choke hold performance is the most legendary
Lemmy from motorhead had a great reaction to people jumping on the stage by kicking them in the face. He said he paid too many dues for someone to jump on his stage.
I honestly don't blame any performer who gets angry when some idiot throws a bottle or a rock at them. That's scary.. why. Would any human being do such a horrible thing?