I cannot believe they handcuffed him while he was dying. Also two years with a man and you can’t be bothered to remember his mother’s name. She’s a monster and deserves to rot in prison
The moment i heard her screaming about him saying hello to a neighbor it became very clear this man was abused to hell and back
Saying “he doesn’t behave, it’s like his dad” about the dog while her boyfriend was bleeding out on the floor was so fkn weird. This girl is something else.
The fact that she had notes in her phone reminding her to NOT hit or spit on him is mind blowing
Not giving a address should be a second attempted murder charge alone
I cannot imagine that feeling. “I’m gonna die, babe. I’m gonna die. I can’t feel my arms.” My heart is shriveling. RIP Christian. This is horrific.
Thank you, EWU. I was in a relationship with a similarly violent alcoholic, and it is a miracle I survived. Your exploration of such cases helps me understand the dynamics so that I can help myself and others every day. I am an artist, and I have a traumatic brain injury from which I am still recovering, but getting some clarity on my past helps me give others hope for the future. And knowing that there are far more people who care than people like this is incredibly important and extremely heartening, and in honoring the victims of these horrific tragedies, I truly believe you are effecting real change. Again, I appreciate the work that you do, and my heart truly breaks for the victims and their families. These are horrors that nothing can ever fix, but I have faith that by sharing these heart-wrenching stories, maybe we can look towards a brighter future together, hand in hand, rather than becoming paralyzed by fear, disbelief, or inaction.
She was purposely not giving the address. “Im so sorry” she says, as she lets him bleed out. Smh 🤦🏼♀️
She’s unhinged. Those recorded fights show she’s the main aggressor. He was apologizing and she’s screaming racial slurs at him.
“I just can’t believe how my day went.” Erm, ma’am. Pretty sure his day was far worse than yours. Absolutely flabbergasted!
imagine bleeding out and the cops put you in handcuffs so you don’t “fight back”. yes the guys losing all of his blood and who can’t feel his arms is gonna fight back
It's WILD to me that she was released after literally getting caught red handed committing a murder.
Courtney's father saying "She was persecuted by that motherf***er" at the end of the video in reference to Christian when his daughter was clearly the aggressor makes me sick. No wonder their daughter turned out so wicked—No accountability whatsoever.
“ I just want to hear he is stable because if he is not , that makes it much worse for me”. I can’t believe she had the audacity to say that aloud to the police and even ask for a hug! ITS ALL ABOUT HER
She’s obviously the aggressor and deserves prison.
Did she really think telling the police that their “trip to Barcelona” next week was important? “Like, he can’t die. Our tickets are non refundable!”
Handcuffing a dying man and letting the killer free for 4 months? Wtf.
She’s an absolute nightmare.
How is this person even allowed to be around others? This is seriously disturbing! She’s a total nightmare!