This is mindblowing. She tells a very exciting, incredibly touching story with great emotion, could not stop listening over and over again. A big thank you to everyone who contributed here.
Touching, deep, thoughtful. Thank you for this channel and for the episode in particular! It would be greatly appreciated if the background music is a little bit quieter, to make sure the narrator's voice is heard.
That part about the community in the forest made me tear up. In the darkest of times our people still tried to bring in as much light as possible
My fathers brother who was a doctor in Poland and his 2 daughters were murdered by the Nazi's. His wife escaped since she did not look Jewish, and lived in Manhattan prior to her death. She had to be very sad knowing her husband and 2 daughters did not make it out.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: every survivor is a triumph over the Nazi scum. Very inspiring video ~ thank you!! :)
From India 's side when India was under British Colonisation, there was one Jew guy who fought Nazis in WW2. Then he became Governer of Punjab state of India.
My grandfather fought back and his brothers fought in the Polish resistance...and unfortunately, as he witnessed, many Jews did not put up a fight but many like himself and his brothers did!
iv'e already said that - this channel is amazing. i hope more jews and non-jews all over the would would recognize that this amazing channel exist for a second.
Firstly, it was nowhere Jews could went. Secondly, many Jews thought that it was "the same" Germans as in WW1. Thirdly, many European governments and the US knew that happened during the Holocaust, but were so indifferent. Neighbors of Jews often hated them or supported Nazi ideology or don't want to risk their lifes. To my mind, it's logical that after this huge genocide Jews need to have own country. Just litterelly to survive. If Jews gave up most part of Mizrahi Jews would be killed and it would be nowhere safety to other Jews e.x from the ussr
I was looking for more information on this topic- thanks for posting this!
thank u so much this gives alot info for my school histroy project.ur a life saver truly.
Thank you for this video. It left me with a sense of pride for having part of that courage and strength in my blood coming from my ancestors.
Part of the myth-making was by the early Israelis. It was part of them saying “we’re not the same old Yids you’re used to. You aren’t going to push us around the way you pushed them around.”
I’m not Jewish, just a recovering Catholic, but I love this channel and I’ve been learning a great deal about Jewish history and culture. Thank you for your videos, their value is immense.
Spectacular video. When going to the holocaust museum in Israel the most emotional part for me was near the middle where it focuses on Jewish resistance. Just normal people who had nothing but fought with everything they had. Reading the journals of young men and women being able to read their words was a tremendous experience. Proud to be Jewish❤
Thank you for this, as a Jew I have always felt a sense of shame at the lack of the resistance my fellow Jews showed against the Barbarian nazis, it has pained me for over 50 years of my life. Only when watching this have I been able to begin to understand. Once again can’t thank you enough once again.
Amazing video. At the same time makes very sad but shows that you may keep the hope. Well done.
This is so touching, I am ready to cry
this brought tears to my eyes. I feel exactly with what was described in this video. the Holocaust was awful but as my mentor from the Kach movement said "never again" and hopefully we learn from our horrible past in the diaspora.