
Black woman here. There’s nothing that takes me out of a European fantasy story faster than showing random black people sprinkled in with no explanation. Instead of focusing on the story, I immediately begin thinking about how this world or population came to be…and the more I think about it, the more I’m PUNISHED for it.


I did love how she chose to save a murderous dragon, but let her father die who, despite his mistake, actually risked his life to try and save her. What a horrible character.


Writer 1: "I want a Mary Sue. But I don't want to get called out on it."
Writer 2: "Have her get hurt. A little burn is all it should take to shield us from that criticism."
W1: "Brilliant! But the thought that I, I mean she, might be diminished in some way while showing how awesome women are doesn't sit right with my entitlement."
W2: "Magic healing slugs. That way, we can claim she struggled and still have no lasting consequences."
W1: 😃


An empathetic girlboss forgiving a literal monster that murdered dozens of innocents including her own father is actually pretty consistent with modern day times, tbf.


I love that the girl who prior to Elodie managed to escape and climb up the top entrance to the caves conveniently had time to carve "It's not the way out!" on the wall before the Dragon fried her. It was about as comical seeing her charred skeleton there than the Castle of Aaarghhhh.... carving  in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


"I should not have sold my DVD collection"

that hit hard


The major plot hole: The dragon can identify the lineage of her enemy by the smell of their blood. She also knew that the king from another kingdom she killed was the father of the princess she was hunting. By that logic, she should have smelled the king's blood and realize there and then that she's been fooled by the actual king/queen of the land.


i love that point. writers always trying to make movies "that reflect the modern world" but what they actually mean is make movies that reflect downtown L.A.


>Modern Day

"Did God paint you?"
riots for 5 months


My most hated trope is the “look for the reason someone is evil”. I don’t want to know how Nottingham in prince of thieves came to be the way he is. He has one line that hints at it. The rest of the time he’s just deliciously cruel, and he’s the best thing about that movie. Stop trying to make me feel bad for the awful person, Hollywood.


It's funny that Shrek did this whole trope subversion with Fiona better over 20 years ago. Fiona was also a great character in her own right.


Every time we think we have hit rock bottom, Hollywood drops a nuke down the mineshaft and reveals a new cavern of concentrated cringe and hate.


Damsel is such a perfect summation of what streaming has become. It's empty, can be played in the background while you doomscroll and you still fully understand it, and exists mostly for the people involved to pat themselves on the back about their superior virtues.

42:45 Nook of No-Tagsies is gold


Hollywood lately seems to not know how to write villains anymore. When they write a sympathetic villain, they turn out to be the most evil and despicable people imaginable. When they write an irredeemable villain, they turn to be reasonable and possessing of strong morals (to varying degrees)


Never get rid of your DVDs. Streaming sites ARE "fixing" old movies' "problematic" parts. If you want to keep unadulterated movies, keep the DVDs.


This movie is what happens when you try to do "subversion" but end up doing all the tropes everyone's tired of


The plot point of a dragon being upset that someone killed her babies isn’t even original - Dragonslayer did it much better more than 40 years ago. Galen is justified in killing the baby dragons - they’ve just killed the princess and are currently eating her corpse, so they clearly pose a threat to him as well. But the movie takes a moment to show Vermithrax realizing her children are dead, and then becoming enraged in her grief. (And that’s really saying something, since Vermithrax was a stop-motion puppet and even a short scene like that would have taken days to film.)


"Oh you can accept magic, hobbits and an evil sentient ring, but not Honda Civic cavalry? racist."


Dammit Despot, I want you to know that I live in constant anticipation of your next video.  I am perpetually excited for the next time I will get to hear you completely deconstruct something in that awesome Irish voice, for the next time I will get to see Non-playable Sheep, Karen iPhone, and those hilarious little back-and-forths between you and Mr. Reflection.  You're my favorite YouTuber of all time.  Just wanted you to know that.


At 9:34 that simple question from a child, 'did God paint you?' made me smile just as the character did. It's so earnest and believable, and it feels so refreshing compared to the dreck we are expected to endure nowadays. I might have to check that old movie out.