
That’s quite a challenge! These old machines always have fascinating stories behind them. Hope it roars back to life! Wishing your channel continued success!


Accidntally makes an intro that'd be one of the coolest looking ads for Ford Trucks that I have seen in a while!


This channel being under 1 million subs needs to be studied. The best quality equipment restoration  and rescue on YouTube. This man is so underrated.


Matt: "Can we save it?"

Me, sitting on my lazy butt drinking coffee and eating a breakfast burrito: You fckn better


This was one of the best "will it start" videos I've seen in a long time. Talk about catching on the last revolution of the pony and it sounds absolutely fantastic.


One of your best videos! 
Retired Local with 150 operator 37  years in the seat. Between Sam and yourself you guys are unstoppable 👍!


These old Cats are so amazing. I honestly didn't expect her to crawl out of her own grave like that. Well done, fellas.


I am surprised that you two are allowed to play together! You put the smiles on us all. Thank you both!


As a retired diesel mechanic....very impressed lads. So nice to hear the old girl going again, especially through some great quality speakers....


This is the kind of content we all were accustomed to in this channel, where matt goes and revives old engines. 🎉


I think this one is my favorite rescues ever… it had everything. Giddy hope, crushing anxiety, the joy of victory, and the agony of de feet 😉. AND the way the pony died just as the diesel caught enough of one cylinder to keep itself turning… one of the best cold starts in all of rusty iron in YouTube history!

What a blast!

God I wish I could go on one of these with you guys! I used to do this kind of thing all the time, but that was 30-40 years ago and it just feels good watching you young bucks pick up where we left off!


Matt, your prowess at getting these old girls started is just amazing.  A spot of rust remover and a pint or so of paint and she will be cherry!


Out of all the will it starts you’ve done. This is the coolest start I’ve seen you do. This machine is worthy of a revival and a paint job. It screams USA, way bigger and louder than it needs to be and we love it


Nothing better than seeing two men work together. Friendship is really priceless.


Love to see this!  I rode on my Dad’s D8 when I was a kid.  He was working building an orphanage in Holyoke, MA and Church funds were tight.  Dad had two D8’s welded together with a ramp between them so he could move more dirt!  Somewhere here there is a picture of him and the Cardinal of the Church, both riding the dozer.  It was on the front page of the Springfield, MA news.  RIP, Dad!


I’m 57 , this is the best thing I’ve seen in along time. We need more fellows like this. Great work guys.


“Guys at my estate sale are going to be impressed at a lot of things!”  That’s the best line I’ve heard in a while 😂😂😂


Awesome job getting that relic started.


A friend in need is a friend indeed, Sam being there to help out is a true verification of that.


That fellow sam, is a very nice friend to have. Matt is lucky and blessed.