It's so refreshing to see someone who understands how hard it can be adopt in this country! I tried to go through a rescue for my dog and everyone was telling me how difficult it is and in the end we got rejected for VERY random reasons (lots of people including our trainer) thought were weird. I want to train mine as an ESA once he is old enough. We got pics from the first week he was born, met him at 4 weeks, brought him home with all paperwork etc at 8 weeks :) My baby is happy and healthy and getting our puppy was the best decision we ever made and no one will tell me otherwise. (FYI my baby is a golden retreiver!)
I’m so glad you talked about just how circumstantial the whole “adopt don’t shop” thing is. Also, the breed you chose is awesome!! I’m involved within the dog agility world with my BC and the drive on those Nova Scotias is something else! I’m so very excited for you and your journey with your little girl!
Adopting is surprisingly difficult, shelters seem to find everything little thing to nitpick about. Years ago, me and my family tried to adopt a super friendly dog who had been there for awhile. She was happy, sweet and great with all of us. But we were rejected because my brother was "too young". Other shelters we've been to didn't even give us a reason as to why we were rejected. Adopting, while it's ideal. It isn't always possible. Adopted animals can sometimes have behavior issues that you need time and patience to deal with, have undisclosed health issues, etc. While getting an animal from a trusted breeder tend to have less issues. People really shouldn't try to make others feel guilty over not adopting, it's just a messed up thing to do.
Thank you for showing that adoption is not always right for people’s situations. ❤ also Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers are so beautiful. I can’t wait to see videos of your puppy 🥰
You shouldn’t even have to explain. So excited for you!
Thank you for using your platform to talk about this! As a dog breeder we often get judged really fast for it. If people would take a moment to understand how much hard work, love, stress, and money goes into our programs they would view it differently.
ahhh I’ve been looking forward to this video of you talking about the puppy for so long!! So excited to find out the breed.
Can’t wait to see them come home 😭❤️ I think the loudest people are the ones who have never even volunteered or done anything for rescue dogs, as those who have know the reality. One dog comes to mind, *one*, that I was shocked to see in the rspca and that was a young (just over a year) old and very well mannered springer spaniel. She was gone the next week. Well mannered and bred dogs do not need rescuing, there’s often breed-specific rescues that also snap them up with a waiting list of people wanting a rescue. The dogs I saw were never well rounded or well bred, they were lab mixes with bad knees at the age of 4 which meant they couldn’t walk, older staffies who were lovely but still just old and not everyone wants that, German Shepard mixes with red cards on because they were not friendly, husky mixes who needed two people to walk them because they pulled so hard and couldn’t be left alone in the day as they’d chew up your walls. Rescue dogs are great if you don’t mind either a rehab training project, an older dog, or one with health issues but I wouldn’t ever encourage “normal” families to go for one over a breeder, knowing full well I probs wouldn’t want one either 😅 Greyhounds were always dead nice though, if not terrified of their own shadow, if someone even wants a huge greyhound 😂
Really unique breed choice! I'm glad you brought up the issue of people not liking people getting a puppy from a breeder and preferring them adopt from a shelter. Everyone's lifestyle and circumstances are different, and as long as people "adopt don't shop" I don't mind where they get their dogs, as long as they are prepared for the responsibility!
This is the perfect video right now! I just got a pure bred dog from a breeder, I do also have a dog that I adopted years ago. I've been enjoying watching hauls. Congratulations!
I've been waiting for this video! I'm excited to see future dog videos ❤ I personally want to adopt from a rescue, but my rats are from a breeder and I trust in peoples reasons for choosing what's right for them 🐕 congrats!
My dream would be able to train a service dog as well. I have autism and anxiety and stuff so I think a dog could really help my confidence in social situations and calming me down. Thank you for saying that there's not one specific breed that you have to get in order to have a service dog, I didn't realise that it applied to all kinds of dogs. It makes sense that sometimes they need a specific purpose, energy and lifestyle to suit the person and I think that is lovely. I wish you the best on your journey with your puppy. I'd love for you to talk more about all kinds of dogs being service dogs in a future video once you have come a bit further into your journey, because it's an important topic
I’m so exited for you! I totally agree with you and you’re absolutely right! Don’t let anyone kill your joy! This is a wonderful time and I hope you love every minute of it!!💛
So excited for you and your new puppy! As the owner of a six month old lab, I’ve got to say that the ‘in training’ tag is a good idea. Keeps most people from walking up unexpectedly while you and your dog are working!
My first service dog was a puppy mill dog (my grandma didn't know until years after he was home happily with us) my current service dog was a rescue and I plan my next prospect to be from a ethical breeder. So happy to see someone I look up to doing the same
I was shouting duck tolling at my phone and was so hyped when you confirmed it!!!!!!!! I've met two in my life and can't believe they're not more popular, legendary choice
I definitely agree, although all the dogs my mom had, and we currently have are rescues, we have been thinking about buying a dog to train for agility. I was quite confused initially (about you buying a dog), but seeing this changed my mind!
I love that you're getting a dog ! She's going to change your life for the better my friend <3 I can't wait to meet her and watch yall's life journey <3
The screech I let out when you announced the breed! Tollers are my favourite dog breed! I'm not in the place to own a dog currently, and there are no toller breeders available in my country, but my partner and I both would consider one in the future if we could get one. We adopted both of our cats, and while I would also gladly adopt a dog too, a toller is still my dream breed. ❤ I am so excited to watch you share your puppy journey