If you are in a country as a guest, be thankful, not causing damage and trouble.
No repercussions no deterrent. Freedom of speech does not mean vandalizing, and terrorizing other ethnic groups. Should be charged with hate crimes.
There should be "No masks" and "No head scarfs" in Universities .
It's surprising how $400 million dollars can change a university's tune.
Don’t insult black folks saying it’s like a civil rights movement 🙁🙁that’s a lie
They are not so smug now.
The students that broke the law is worried about being protected, what about the students you have tormented? You people make me sick!
Students that broke the law don’t know if the University can protect them?? Protect them from what???
Do you realize how fast other countries would arrest Americans or others foreigners in their countries behaving this way?!? Why do we tolerate this asinine behavior?????
God bless America again!
Promoting a foreign terrorist organization that has openly vowed to genocide an ethnic group and others, and bullying and endangering students on college campuses is not a "civil rights movement". It's criminal behavior. And, being here in the US is a privilege not a right anyway.
Perfect. Trump and his administration are delivering
They hate the country but won't leave.
What a difference a real President makes
Following people, blocking people, threatening people, graffiti, arson, vandalizing & destroying public and personal property are NOT forms of protecting speech.
What a Golden move by the Republicans 🎉🎉
Why would students be afraid if they are doing what they are supposed to do..STUDY
Imagine if I went to Gaza and protested....
2nd person ? There’s probably dozens if not hundreds they should be arresting