
For every problem, there will be a solution. Bravo Huawei!


I think the more competition in all sectors is better for everyone. this is good


We are very happy about Huawei Harmony OS improvements because we don't need a system that quarantine the world to one point


China will never give up no matter how long it will take to get their OS. With so many phones being made in China  it will be easy to impose the harmony os to all Chinese  phone makers.


This makes me Want to Have Huawei Smartphone

Without Doubt


Entire time I'm thinking On HarmonyOS I can't wait.  I want it Now I'm going to explode. I want to Entire the world to Have HarmonyOS HUAWEI 🥰🥰😎✌️


HUA WEI  is how you pronounce HUAWEI.  Have a good day.


I am excited to use harmony os


I bought Huawei when they first came to New Zealand. I recently wanted a new Huawei but the US wanted to be bitches with the software. When I heard Huawei were looking at new partners in software I was rapt. I don't want a Apple or Samsung or whatever. Huawei is the right way. Oh. I need a new phone 😅


This is the great os.


can't wait this really launched and might made me reconsider to stay in huawei ecosyestem and upgrade my P20pro not to P30 but directly to P40 with this harmony


Sounds exciting.


love this lookforward to thia newest harmony OS sounds good😍💙💙🌅


Can you guys search winnie the pooh or Tiananmen Square Massacre?


I really hope they do well with this OS as I'm happy that Huawei may yet leave the likes of Apple and Samsung for dust! as I really believe this company is pushing technology forward...


When exactly will people start getting Harmony OS?


Great !!!


So Huawei phones will upgrade from Android 10 to Android 10. Nice.


In few years Huawei pushed hardware technology forward and now it's software turn ❤️❤️❤️