there is a huge difference between complimenting someone/fan-girling, and being straight up weird. The shirt thing was making me uncomfortable, that wasn't cool at all.
The moment with Emilia Clarke and Matt Leblanc was really wholesome
Henry Cavill just looks like he is tired of girls thirsting over him...
The Jennifer Lawrence and Jack Nicholson one is not being thirsty, it's admiration
Imagine a guy telling a woman she’s hot on love tv then asking her to unbutton her blouse to show more of her chest?
I feel sorry for Justin Bieber he was harassed wherever he went in his earlier days.
i only laughed when Cheryl made a face like she's freaking out over Michael B Jordan but I felt uncomfortable watching all of the others wtf
I love how Henry Cavill gets into awkward situations for just being too handsome 😂
Cheryl Reaction to Michael B was the best LOL this gurl can’t even think straight
My boy keanu didn’t deny it
If men would be doing it , they would have been criticized as macho disrespectful , etc etc
If a male actor asked the interviewer to take off her clothes then he is goner
Sometimes I genuinely feel like Michael B. Jordan doesn’t know what’s happening 🤣🤣🤣he just be smiling thru it all
Wynona Rider and Keanu Reeves are the Hollywood power couple we never got but we deserved, such a wholesome relationship
This video could also be titled: Male celebs are being sexually harassed by female celebs.
Cheryl Cole and Michael B Jordan would have the cutest dimpled children
Jada saw Margo hitting Will and was like, ima go have an entanglement.
i don't have a problem with celebs flirting with each other whether they are female or male. but asking someone to undress in front of everyone is highly inappropriate.
Can we talk about “the how to be single” interview. That’s sexual harassment. It can happen to men too