
on behalf of my wife and children, my familly , my village and my wicked landlord we comfim that this song is the hit of the year👌👌👌


waiting for a video :body-green-covering-eyes::face-turquoise-covering-eyes:


The wise come from the East big up papaaa❤❤


Pallaso your music has never left me the same, I really live your music. Keep producing big bro


Oooooh this is a good vibe it comes at time we wanna enjoy it who is thinking like me??? Raise your hand up


I like the song, big up Palasso


Always admiring your music Papa Pallaso
I really like your creativity and presentation


This is what we call Anthem of love ❤️


Good music 🎶🎶🎶 keep it up bro 💪💪


You make me feel that true love is still exist much love Pallaso ❤


This is the reason why I keep on telling people that pallaso is far better than the other proclaimers


This is the kind of music we really love and need in our lives .... I really love ur music Pallaso ❤ Keep up the spirit of good music internationally 💪


Valentine moods❤❤❤❤❤ thanks uncle P


Big up pallaso




Deserve 100M views


❤❤❤❤❤reserves  to u pallaso for life guys ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


2 songs in a single month. Show me another artist who cares about his fans.❤


Our uncle p  Keep it up my broza😊😊😊


Respect blada