
One of my all-time favourites❤


He's arguably the strongest animated vampire.


42:20 animators had fun making this scene


I never really liked this anime to much until I watched the Abridged version 😂 after that I was hooked . The voices they use and the way they talk on the Abridged version are perfect 🔥


ah yes my favourite show the same one that has alucard in the abridged series say: "my boss is a woman, I was a chick in the 40s, I hate everyone equally, and there's no one alive who could comprehend my sexual preference!"


This is the problem with writing a script for AI.  Alucard loved Police GIrl.  That is why he ASKED HER if she wanted to be a vampire.  She said yes.  He wasn't going to shoot her if she said no.


Alucard watching this: WHERE THE FUCK DO I WATCH THIS no seriously where the fuck do I watch this?


My favorite anime


Alucard towing the carrier: row row da boat down the stream, rolling rolling down da water stream


He’s a real fucking vampire!


His real name is Vlad the impaler and he is athe first and last vampire


Altbruge of this cracks me up


Technically the thumbnail is right


a little off with some things about the characters but meh in rest its ok


great topic, but AI Robo Narrators are hella boring


Name ¿?😅


Anime name


Me to❤ 😢


You're confusing