
Thank you to Roja Parfums for having us over! What brand do you want us to visit next? 🙂


I need to save up for an Isola Blue... because I have my own private yacht too... as my desktop background.




Gotts admit i know so little about Roja. I've been thinking of Apex for a while.
Top class vid, pure School of Scents masterclass


Loved every minute of this video, loved the stories behind the scents, some people here haven't tried a roja, say what you want but they do use ridiculously high quality ingredients, I have Oceania and Amber aoud and the quality is class!!


Great brand and great staff who work there. Top floor of Harrods is also worth a visit for some special Rojas.


10 out 10 video.  Fragrance rep seemed gracious and knowledgeable.  I loved to hear him embraced the luxury price point and also acknowledged big companies are listening to the fragcom.


Great interview omar ! Keep up the new refreshing content.


I am really enjoying your content. I'd love to see an in-depth MFK interview.


I love the Roja brand. So many great fragrances. I hope to find this place when I'm in London this July


Really nice video, i loved the stories about those perfumes !


At sentexplore, Roja himself said that more than 50% of his clients are under the age of 35.   But of that 50+% 18% are under the age of 25.  Kids working and not paying rent have a lot of expendable money.


Great video, I thought you were about to be a dupe reviewer after your Armaf visit.


Impressive video. As others said, every second of it was enjoyable, Omar. If you do this with every brand you can, it would be incredible 🎉🎉🎉


Nice video Omar .Hope you will go to France and Italy to interview perfumers.


I have a few of Roja Parfums.  I used to hate on them…saying they were only ok.  I had to come back later and smelled them when my mood and temperament were different..not necessarily good but different.  I sprayed one that I thought was boring and all of a sudden.. I could smell many different ingredients.  To the “keen” nose..his stuff is V E R Y good, classy and natural like eating at a fine restaurant in a foreign country. So I went from 1 to now having 8.


No doubt the quality is very very good.


Nice one, Omar. 
I really want to visit the Crockett and jones boutique opposite the Roja's.


I tried Manhattan at a store and loved it. They only had the tester that was a bit sad as I was going to buy it.


Hey Omar, I really love these kinds of videos and I appreciate how respectful you are to the perfumers/managers! I just have one small criticism; it would really help more if you interrupted less, I appreciate your apologies when you do but I wanna hear everything about the brands that you and the employees have to say.