So from the snake's perspective, it died in Ironwood, got Giant Jormungandr's soul put into him, slithered out of Ironwood, grew big and traveled to Asgard to fight Thor in Ragnarok, got knocked back in time, faught Thor again in the past but couldn't kill him, and just waited till Kratos and Atreus to show up, helped them against Baldur, waited some more to tell Atreus to go to Ironwood to trigger his own birth, then just slept through Ragnarok.
The best part about the big snake is he not only loops around the world, he now loops around the timeline!
Jormungandr says he understands the pain of their loss. Jormungandr was a Giant and Thor killed many, many Giants. That’s most likely what he’s referring to
I like how the first fight for the serpent is the second fight for Thor but the second fight for the serpent is the first fight for Thor.
It's probably more simple then we think. These writers are brilliant. They managed to make Norse mythology more realistic in many ways through good story telling. Atreus and Angrboda gave birth to Jormungandr through the serpent with Jormungandrs marble. He got big Fast! As Angrboda even says so in the game, Jormungandr went to help at Asgard for Ragnarok,through his "giant stuff" as Angrboda puts it. Jormungandr looked different as Kratos said, because he looked younger, before he got shot back through time by Thor. When Kratos and Atreus met him years before, he was an older Jormungandr. Sent back from Thor. Easy peasy. That's why he sorta recognized Atreus in God of War 2018. But who knows how far back Thor sent Jormungandr? Think about it.
The pain of loss is clearly referring to his time as a giant before being placed in the marble.
If you think about it, the two realms are different. Jötunheim time is slow while Midgard is fast. In Jötunheim is hours there but in Midgard it’s days or more. When Kratos confronted his son being gone for two days, I believe he was there for 2 hours and in Midgard was a two day span.
I have a feeling that what Jormy means by "knowing the pain of loss". Being that all the giants had to place themselves inside those orbs was basically like mass suicide. I'm sure going through that and watching the other giants go through that would be very disturbing and quite possibly something a soul wouldn't forget. I do hope that they explore more of this in future games. I have a feeling the way he was written Jormy may have been a Jotun child that maybe lost his parents to Thor?? Also....WHO BLEW THE DAMN HORN!!?!??!??!! Or did I miss something?? Thanks again @Jon Ford for another great video!
My theory on how Jormangandr got to Asgard for the final battle is that Angrboda was able to take him with her (as we know throughout the game she appears in Muspelheim and Midgard without clarifying how she can realm travel) or maybe even Fenrir slashed a realm tear big enough for the world serpent to go through. Either way a theory
I just finished the main story and it had me crying at the end
I'm assuming the Midgard serpent would have fought but he was stuck in hibernation mode. As a snake, reptiles/winter don't go together
The reason Jörmungandr didn't join the battle of Ragnarok is probably a lot simpler than a time paradox. Despite being a Giant, he's still a snake and snakes cannot regulate their body temperatures so he was sleeping all through the battle just to stay warm. Why do you think he spoke with Atreus so briefly?
I personally believe the pain the giant refers to may be the death of family and friends at the hands of thor. Fen seems to have full memory so although Mimir asks if he still remember the person he was before nothing to me proves that he doesn't.
thanks for explaining, the writers are honestly phenomenal
It's very possible that the serpent lost some family to Thor's giant genocide, as the remaining giants decided to flee to jhotenheim and place their souls into the marbles.
I like how Mimir answered the question spot on, shows how smart he really is
I honestly think the dream sequences we have are forms of traveling within time instead of jumping from period to period
6:04 kratos saying that’s madness even tho he literally went back in time before he was about to die and saved himself
This was so easy to understand idk how are people not getting this