RIP Gene Hackman and his wife/dog.
When you have more questions than answers you know something's wrong.
As a retired investigator, I’m not buying ANY of these news stories. I’d want to see the full autopsy and toxicology reports on both just as a start.
WORTH OVER $80 million dollars but no security cameras? No RING DOORBELL? WTF?
So rich people, big mansion, old couple and no employees? How bizarre!
These are very wealthy people and yet nobody was at there house for that long? She cleans her own house and takes care of Gene with no help? Unlikely.
Retired cop here, the investigator is 100% right. Where is the autopsy and the tox screen? On the surface it looks like Carbon Monoxide poisoning.....but the location of the dog is suspicious, which casts doubt on the whole thing.
Terrible way for Gene to pass. Can’t believe a family member or possible house employee never found the pair sooner. Sad!
I absolute adore Randy Quaid!!! He left Holly weird and they called Randy weird. Nope 💯 common sense
What I can’t understand is WHY the kids weren’t checking on them on a daily basis!! They were elderly, they needed to be checked on EVERY day!!
I lived in Vancouver when Randy and his wife came to Canada to get away from the “star whackers “. I worked at a bar that he played at. They were both wonderful, sensible, normal people not what you’d expect. There is definitely something to this.
Hackman was also a veteran, a U.S. Marine. This cannot be allowed to go away, be swept under the rug. Studios need to be investigated, people held responsible.
Someone in their 90’s definitely would have help around the house, in their yard and for their personal care. This is VERY suspicious
The strange part for me was when I first read of his death and passing the article said of natural causes and nothing nefarious. How could they know that so soon???
Him dying isn't suspicious, due to his age. But his Wife wasn't elderly! 65? That's the strange part. He made it longer than most people ever will. But his wife dying at the same time, being so much younger? It's not that she was so young, but at the same Time? Come on, man! That don't make sense!
The fact that his Wife was only 65 and found dead at the same time .. is pretty much a give away that this was not a natural organic situation ....
***I find extremely weird when the police released the 911 call which the person who called in was the caretaker for the subdivision. He said there were two bodies but he did not know if they were breathing however he said he could see the woman laying on the floor through a window (are there windows in the bathroom?). Also Gene was found in the entryway. Ok, they key words here is the caretaker said he could not enter the house because the door was LOCKED. However when police arrived it was stated the door was cracked open***. Did anyone else catch this? BTW, I just watched a video today 3/7/25 that both Gene and his wife died from natural causes. This was news was given by the Santa Fe Police / person who did autopsy and a Dr. As far as the dog, was 12 yrs old and had gone through a surgical procedure earlier in Feb. I agree w/Randy Quaid.
When I heard about where the bodies were located and the pills being thrown around I immediately suspected the whole thing was staged.
How many Hollywood actors have strangely died, the list is endless.