
I have done it 7xs and first off it is absolutely real. The entireties U meet ARE REAL. And the first thing the first one said to me was do not mistake me for GOD I am but another of HIS creations. Then it said this is not to be used for amusement. Then enveloped me with love. The 4th time one called me out for having an affair with a married woman and showed me the pain I was about to cause three people if I didn't end it. And I cried for three days and ended a three year relationship with that person.


God fits in with that stuff. We are so limited by our senses. Don't reject God, embrace God, know love. Know Yeshua.


The pineal gland in the middle of the brain is the direct connection between physical and spiritual worlds


My near death experience was caused by my body having an natural overload of DMT, without taking anything.  Didnt know anything about DMT until this happened. Felt the greatest love and was told we a all pieces of God wrapped in flesh.


This has been very, very helpful to soldiers who suffer with PTSD!


Praise, honor, glory, and worship forever the Lord our God Jesus Christ. 🤍✝️


I’ve been dealing with depression and stress. I took one hit of DMT. I felt all anxiety leave my body and reset my soul.❤ Mother Nature has all the medicine we need.


Look what it’s done for Ron white the comedian. He completely recovered from alcoholism. So many people have used it to save themselves from addictions of all kinds. It’s saved veterans from possible suicide from ptsd as well.


As someone who wasn’t raised Christian I can say that I met Jesus during an ayahuasca journey. That plant helped me understand god better than any Christian has. I’ve been to many ceremonies and have seen many people go from atheists to full believers over night, full of compassion and grace. They may not have met Jesus and may not become Christian and I understand that most Christian’s think that anything outside of that particular dogma is blasphemy or idle worship but I’m telling you that many many many people have met Christ through that medicine and have been opened to his teachings. Why would that plant do that if she was evil? She does not ask to be worshiped, she brings healing to people who suffer deeply. she is god given and is a bringer of light. a messenger of God. i am a proundly more compassionate person because of that medicine, it helped me learn how to put down my burdens so i could commit myself to a life of service to humanity and to God. ❤


I'm glad you pointed out there were 2 individual plants to put together. Most people dont know that!


No no no. You don't have to reject God. It actually has drawn people closer to God and brought tremendous healing.


You guys are so ahead of your time i am so  impressed the Bible and other works of biblical books like Enoch, the book of jubilee, book of adam and eve the apocpher


Ayahuasca changed my life. It’s pure love. The best spiritual experience ever. I highly recommend it.


Yeeeaaaahhh I loved psychedelics… then I started to understand how I was opening myself up to demons and entities… now I strongly refuse to go into that world ever again


This is occult - demons. Pharmakia is the word used in the Bible, the Greek is where we get the word pharmacy and it also can mean sorcery or divination or both. Your right about the watchers teaching man this, and the Natives story about who taught people, reflects it.


It told me the three things that would make me have a happier life. I also spent all night talking to two house plants. It was an experience.


The problem is you've been led to believe it's evil so that those in power can't be toppled


it's a vine, not a root. my favorite spirit plant. i call it the drink of gratitude. i've only drunk it alone at home, never with a shaman. during one session, i was just sitting there with my mouth agape in awe as she was showing me how every event in my life was a great blessing of love for my highest good, both the joyful times and what i thought were horrific events. when i walked outside to get some cool evening air, she showed me a potential timeline where i was a saint, with an actual palpable golden halo around my head, set aside from other men, alone with god in his profound peace.


Ive seen it all, its all in the eye of the beholder.
If you feel life is 1 big wonder? It will be..
If you feel like life can be scientifically explained?it can be. There is truth everywhere


That higher existence is unfathomable with our base-level/dumbed senses (I believe to keep us sane on a balanced plane). When using these ‘tools’, our brains operate differently allowing us to access a glimpse of the “Whole”. Only until you can manage your state, capabilities and understanding/openness to a higher level of existence and or a greater being, will you capture an actual glimpse of what we truly are, why your here, and understand the sanctity of your being as it relates to the “Whole”.