
I absolutely hate hearing you say that you’re not gonna own rats anymore😢


Emi, could you make a quick compilation of all your rats with food names??🍞🐀


Since these will be your last rats for the foreseeable future, what will you do when theres only one left? I’m in a similar situation with my rat journey and am wondering! Would you rehome? Does it depend on their age?


Hello! What bedding is best for mice? The one i use at the moment is quite dusty so im thinking of using a different one but im not sure wht to swich to.


I made a comment earlier about how I hate hearing you say that you’re not owning  rats and I just wanted to tell you that I use too strong of words when I said that I just fell in love with you and your rats and will be a little bit sad when I don’t see videos about them anymore so I apologize for using such strong language about it❤️ and am I missing something or is kinder the only one you have left??


I had the same kind of anxiety with my last guinea pig, he was super old and I knew he’d be my last - it didn’t help that he’d sleep with his eyes open and I’m 90% sure he was deaf, so he would react when you called him.


Hey, love your videos! Could you do another best mice cages, I'm thinking of getting some and want to know what good cages are!


What are your plans for the rats once Kinder passes? Will they be given away?


Recently my little white mouse passed away. I had her only 6 months. It was heart aching to watch your videos after my little pet died. I was dealing with all that involved and was just too sad. Sorry to say that was why I unsubsidized. I did hear you talk about your issue with owning rats so I fully understood and support your decision. But my timing was a bit poor. I have continued to see your postings because YouTube still shows me. But I'm not going to get any pets for a while so I'm best off not watching for now. But today's blog title intrigued me and I realized I do enjoy your vlogs. Glad to see your mice today. ❤


Can we have more mice content please I am thinking about getting mice and would love some more amazing mice videos of yours to watch


Kendra doesn’t have anybody to snuggle with?


Have to say when you said "you won't be owning rat no more" struck me that you won't. I know you been mentioning it for awhle. Awww the naked rat so cute. I have 4 naked boys. The chinchilla boy is so beautiful! Is he albino? My boy snuffleupagus is beige and my other boy Nosferatu is albino. Can wait to see the new chin calls video and story.


My Brittany also waited until she was a year old to have her first heat. Started a week or so before her birthday


16:59 omg what is this pretty creature called?!


Hopefully this won't happen for a while, but when kinder does unfortunately pass away, what will you do with Tiffan and toast ?


I've been watching your videos and learning about rat care since my first rats, about 4-5 years ago. Thank you for teaching me throughout the years and I understand why you are stopping owning rats, I will miss that content but am looking forward to future videos! ❤❤


My gerbils would go through a chew toy in 5 minutes lol


Are you going to spray/neuter River? If no, why?


is there a risk of you being allergic to mice as well? seems like they would be similar but ofc they are different speicies so thats why im asking sorry if its a silly question


Everyone who starts watching, then enjoys, then loves watching you're videos, knows how responsible and serious you are about Small Animal Care! 
You Love your Ratties Emi!
But, Life happens and changes!