
Hi Nick!  Good sharp video!  Sounds like Frank is still announcing!


Thankyou Nick and have a wonderful week 😊


The T has beganing to limit Service and pulling 15s 16s 17s away from Service. A set just recently derailed at Broadway Tunnel, who knows it that set returns. There are mostly 01800s 1900s active. The 15s 16s are being mostly pulled out of from service once it's night past 8 and less running I mid day. Also the T is more using 17s as the pullers and keeping the 15s and 16s in sandwich


CRRC 1915/1916 has been Delivered now in testing. 28 are comming soon from Springfield. I am highley expecting these will fully retire the Pullman Standsrd 01500's very soon


The T just now Scrapped Pullman 01608/01609 Costello removed it from Cabot. Next up is 01844/01845


The T has confirmed work cars 01469/01470 01477/01480 will be Scrapped. So I would recommend for you to check them out one last time at Codman Yard. When you exist Ashmont Station, walk south on Dorchester Avenue, turn left on Gallivan BLVD, the basically you will see the Mattapan Trolley Bridge, next to the right is the Codman Yard, which you can litterley see the 1963 Pullman up close. I recommend this cause those have been confirmed for Scrap this month or next month. I think the T may bring those to Cabot, then from their Costello truck will take those away. So if you have time this is your very chance.


The CRRCS 1400s are having many issues currently. Constant break downs stopping and Traction issues recently. I gonna assume these are going to have a similar story to the unrailble Boeing LRV's. Cause they are causing problems and delays recently. The T didn't even run the 1900s today at all.


The T has transfered all retired Red Line Cars from Codman Yard to Cabot Yard recently and basically at Cabot currently and Costello is coming to take them away


It has been a week, the T didn't run any CRRC 1900s for some reason


Im gonna clear the directions. I have said where to see the 01400s. Exit Ashmont, walk south of Dorchester Avenue, keep walking until Gallivan BLVD cross the rode, then walk left a little, then turn right on Hutchinson Street keep walking a little until you reach the dead end. There is a gate and a small hill. If you stand their you will see 01477 very very very up close. You can see the door has been opened, some graffiti and the cars have been separated. Like if you want to see them tommorow or next week. Already 01844/01845 is being preped for removal. Like the 01400s can be gone today, tommorow or next week. So this is your very very chance. I posted this comment cause I forgot to include Hutchinson Streeet (My Bad), and also just wanted to tell you the perfect spot to get a picture or a video of them.


The T just towed 01844/01845 from Codman to Cabot where Costello will come and take it away


The only thing is about these are.... THIRTY SIX SEATS???????


Garbage CRRC 1500 broke down at the Community College Bridge, also 1506 has recently been delivered


Garbage the 1900s they just had a propulsion issue